李殿龙:您好! 感谢您对我市棚户区改造的关心。 目前我市主要针对该地区烂尾棚户区改造。 您询问的位置尚不具备改造资格,尚未纳入棚户区改造计划。 详情请联系市北区发展建设局,电话:85801084。
网友:我是2016年7月签的协议,11月份才拿到钱。 房价已经涨到21000多了。 希望政府按照21000元给予补偿,谢谢
李殿龙:各位网友朋友大家好,感谢您关注我市城乡建设工作。 根据国务院规定和我市房屋征收条例,房屋征收补偿价和安置住房价格以房屋征收公告之日为评估确定的依据。 房屋征收部门实施房屋征收时,提供住房补偿和货币补偿两种方式供居民选择。 对于您反映的问题,建议您与当地房屋征收部门联系,选择房屋补偿方式解决您的生活需求。
观城路2号是一栋建于1983年的房子,是一栋老旧危房。 对面的高层建筑正在进行保温处理,污染严重。 地铁爆破施工影响安全。 什么时候会被拆除?
李殿龙:居民们好。 市南区管城路2号不属于棚户区改造范围,无征地规划。 房屋安全使用责任人可以按照《青岛市房屋安全条例》的有关规定,采取必要措施,保证房屋安全使用。
网友:郑州路两侧整治列入2017年计划,但至今没有行动。 据说已经被搁置了,没有列入2018年的计划。 接下来我应该考虑什么?
李殿龙:您好! 感谢您对我市棚户区改造的关心。 为确保项目顺利推进,市北区委、区政府成立了郑州路片区征收改造指挥部,目前正在专题研究项目适用政策、运作模式、推进路径等问题。郑州路两侧。 由于项目范围内土地权属存在争议,目前尚无法确定开始征收的时间。 具体信息请咨询郑州路区征地改造指挥部,电话:848535762
没问题 920503:共享住房是社会住房吗? 对于已经申请社会住房的家庭,其成年子女结婚时是否可以申请共享住房?
李殿龙:您好,目前我市还没有共享住房的相关政策。 关于申请住房保障的相关条件,可咨询市国土资源局,电话82662157。
网友:大水清沟三期什么时候可以开工? 已经干燥好几年了!
大水清沟三期什么时候可以开建房屋? 已经干燥好几年了! 我们还要等多少年?
李殿龙:各位网友朋友大家好,感谢您关注我市城乡建设工作。 据了解,大水清沟改造三期工程部分居民尚未签署补偿协议。 我委正在会同市北区政府研究征地推进过程中存在的问题,力争尽快完成征地工作,尽快清理土地,尽快开工建设。 具体问题请联系市北区发展局。 电话:85801260
网友:各位领导大家好,我是中山路改造区旧城改造项目的居民,家住大沽路4号。 申诉内容是,我们2016年8月签订拆迁合同时的房价为每平方米14000元,我们认为是比较合理的。 然而,直到2017年1月16日,拆迁款才支付给我们,但房价却已经面目全非。 给我们的钱根本买不了房子。 政府改善老百姓住房条件的初衷是很好的,但实际工作人员的不作为,导致拆迁款拖欠了半年。 但半年时间,房价变化如此之大。 我们从能住新房到买不起房。 如果我们有困难,我们会向政府求助。 请政府还我们一个公道,帮助我们解决无家可归的痛苦。 谢谢你!
李殿龙:各位网友朋友大家好,感谢您关注我市城乡建设工作。 根据国务院规定和我市房屋征收条例,房屋征收补偿价和安置住房价格以房屋征收公告之日为评估确定的依据。 房屋征收部门实施房屋征收时,提供住房补偿和货币补偿两种方式供居民选择。 对于您反映的问题,建议您与当地房屋征收部门联系,选择房屋补偿方式解决您的生活需求。
网友:2017年市北区岩滩村拆迁还能启动吗? 具体时间准确吗?
李殿龙:您好! 感谢您对我市棚户区改造的关心。 为推动岩滩村剩余土地项目顺利推进,市北区委、区政府成立了郑州路片区征地重建指挥部,对征地政策和推进路径进行专题研究。 针对剩余盐滩的历史问题,省房建公司目前正在会同市有关部门研究相关政策和推进路径,并将根据工作进展情况确定具体启动时间。
李殿龙::您好! 感谢您对我市棚户区改造的关心。 目前我市主要针对该地区烂尾棚户区改造。 您询问的地点尚不具备改造资格,尚未纳入棚户区改造计划。
胡再孝:李主任您好,馆陶路14号近期有拆迁重建计划吗? 谢谢。
李殿龙:您好! 感谢您对我市棚户区改造的关心。 目前我市主要针对该地区烂尾棚户区改造。 您询问的地点尚不具备改造资格,尚未纳入棚户区改造计划。
李殿龙:各位网友朋友大家好,感谢您关注我市城乡建设工作。 据了解,大水清沟改造二期工程目前正在办理土地手续。 大水清沟三期部分居民尚未签署补偿协议。 下一步,我委将积极配合市北区加大工作力度,力争尽快完成征地工作,尽快清理土地,尽快开工建设。 具体问题请联系市北区发展局。 电话:85801260
网友:主任您好,苏州路已经拆了很多年了。 什么时候会被拆除?
李殿龙:居民们好。 实施后,市南区启动了苏州路棚户区房屋征收工作。 部分建筑物和庭院已被征用,其他建筑物和庭院的征用也在进行中。 具体收集信息请提供详细阳台地址并咨询市南区棚户区征集管理部门。
网友:李主任您好,因为催款逾期,收到的拆迁补偿金已经贬值,买不了房。 我已经70多岁了,无法获得贷款,也没有资格申请经济适用房。 如果我没有地方住怎么办?
李殿龙:各位网友朋友大家好,感谢您关注我市城乡建设工作。 根据国务院规定和我市房屋征收条例,房屋征收补偿价和安置住房价格以房屋征收公告之日为评估确定的依据。 房屋征收部门实施房屋征收时,提供住房补偿和货币补偿两种方式供居民选择。 对于您反映的问题,建议您与当地房屋征收部门联系,选择房屋补偿方式解决您的生活需求。
李殿龙:居民们好,感谢您对城乡建设工作的关注。 淮安路拓宽工程已开工建设,预计2018年8月竣工。
网友:辽阳东路和深圳路立交桥剩余匝道什么时候完工? 到了桥上左转还是不行。 。 。
李殿龙:您好,感谢您对城建工作的关心。 辽阳东路与深圳路立交桥工程由地铁集团组织实施。 目前,最终工程正在加速推进,力争10月底完成。 谢谢!
李殿龙:网友您好,市政府高度重视节能保温工程。 近年来,被列为全市实用工程。 全市每年改造面积约2至300万平方米。 本项目实行属地化管理。 具体项目由所在区确定。 我市已研究确定。 详情请咨询市北区城管局,电话83732708
网友:请问崂山水木年华小区可以安装保温层吗? 谢谢。
李殿龙:按照规定,节能供热项目由地方负责。 详情请联系崂山市建设局,88993739
李殿龙:感谢您对我市城市建设工作的关注。 关于镇江路小学重建事宜,建议咨询当地政府教育部门。
为确保项目顺利推进,市北区委、区政府成立了郑州路片区征收改造指挥部,目前正在专题研究项目适用政策、运作模式、推进路径等问题。郑州路两侧。 由于项目范围内土地权属存在争议,目前尚无法确定开始征收的时间。
网友:李主任您好! 2017年,市北区严家山宣布拆除第二批建筑。 他们会被拆除吗? 让我给人们一个答案。 谢谢。
为确保项目顺利推进,市北区委、区政府成立了郑州路片区征地重建指挥部,目前正在专题研究项目适用政策、运作模式、推进路径等问题。郑州路两侧项目。 由于项目范围内土地权属存在争议,目前尚无法确定开始征收的时间。
网友:请问危房鉴定时是否可以忽略钉子户问题? 不需要100%的支持率。 每个家庭都会收到一个标志。
苏州路29号的拆迁工作已持续数年。 我们的建筑被评定为危险建筑,但我们还不知道什么时候会被拆除。 难道一定要等到出了问题才引起政府的重视吗?
李殿龙:居民们好。 目前市南区正在推进棚户区改造。 已认定为丁级危房的,无需征得居民100%同意。 业主同意征收的,按照程序实施征收。 市南区苏州路片区目前已启动房屋征收工作。 如果您的房屋被认定为丁级危房,您可以向社区、街道举报,并请他们向区房屋征收管理部门反映,尽快组织实施征收。
胡再孝:李主任您好,四六中路224号近期有拆迁改造计划吗? 谢谢。
李殿龙:感谢您对棚户区改造工作的支持! 该房屋目前未纳入房屋装修计划。
我们是嘉善路36-42号的老住户。 今年4月2日棚户区改造启动,不少居民停止租房。 等待拆除。 按照上级的规定,钥匙已于9月初移交。 不知道什么时候才能收到拆迁补偿费。 眼看房价还在上涨,我们已经不能按照当时评估的价格购买相应的住房面积了。 大家都很着急。 我们请求政府领导理解我们面临的困境,积极督促有关部门尽快向我们发放补偿款,让我们能够买到自己选择的房子。 谢谢!
李殿龙:各位网友朋友大家好,感谢您对我市棚户区改造工作的关心。 2017年棚户区改造项目涉及大量被征地居民。 补偿资金将根据居民合同住房空置情况和房产证注销情况分批发放。 请及时关注街道办事处相关协议发放及补偿支付通知。
网友:城阳区应该建什么样的立交桥? 每天都有堵车的情况。 等待解决!
李殿龙:您好,感谢您对城建工作的关心。 你举报的城阳区双步立交桥已于2011年竣工,目前尚无改造计划。 谢谢!
李殿龙:感谢您对我市教育配套设施建设的关心。 该项目于2013年提交了土地划拨申请,由于涉及双山农工商公司经济开发用地补偿,情况比较复杂。 目前,市北区政府拟置换学校建设用地范围内双山农工商公司部分经济开发用地。 尽快完成征地工作。 征地工作完成后,我委将加紧后续工作,力争尽快开工建设。
李殿龙:感谢您对我市棚户区改造的支持。 实施后,市南区相关部门已将肥城路5号纳入棚户区改造范围,下一步将按程序组织实施征地。 具体进展请咨询市南区棚户区房屋征收部门。
网友:您好,板桥坊2017年可以拆吗? 房子早已无法居住,人们都在外面租房子。 他们叫嚣拆迁已经有20多年了。
李殿龙:感谢您对棚户区改造工作的支持! 目前,区政府相关部门正在研究该片区的重建方案。 规划确定后,重建工作将按计划分批实施。
1、瑞昌路立交桥据说今年8月开工建设,年底通车。 目前看来,年底通车基本没有机会。 每天都有数以万计的居民在唯一一条急转弯的狭窄道路上让路,有时还会停放大型施工车辆。 他们会让人们活下去吗?
2、下雨天,保利香槟国际北区东西两侧道路泥泞。 北区车辆进出存在问题,但政府尚未见有任何为民着想的行动。
3.海岸线建设也被推迟。 海边的景色完全就像是落后农村的景色,极大地毁了风景。
4、片区配套业态:一号城正在建设中; 一号城北侧是垃圾场; 绿地外滩垃圾场; 奥伦五星级垃圾场; 影视风情街垃圾场、数字文化体验中心垃圾场,放眼望去,都是堆满垃圾的垃圾场。 涌湾的开发和胶州湾周边李沧、城阳段的重建速度很快,但市北北部的欢乐滨海城却很难建设,实在令人难以想象。
5、大沙路立交桥对于欢乐海岸城至关重要。 不用说为什么,我们什么时候可以看到它?
还有很多很多其他的。 青岛近年来大项目不断涌现,欢乐海岸城成了无人问津的一角。 但不管怎样,也能让我们贫困居民享受到基本的生活和出行保障不是吗?
李殿龙:感谢您对我市城市建设工作的关心。 1、瑞昌路延伸段项目已于2016年获得市城乡建设委员会批准,已启动前期工作。 由于项目土地权属单位对整个地块的开发模式有异议,因此不同意道路征地。 目前,市北区政府已与土地权属单位研究解决方案并达成初步协议,正在签署协议。 整个地块征地入库完成后,将立即办理道路建设用地、规划、招投标等手续,尽快开工建设。
网友:2017年1月,我们每平米收到危房14000元,现在连危房都买不起了。 希望政府能考虑到民众的情况,酌情处理! 同一条街道,2017年每平方米征集金额超过2.2万。 希望政府给予适当的帮助,以解燃眉之急!
李殿龙:各位网友朋友大家好,感谢您关注我市城乡建设工作。 根据国务院规定和我市房屋征收条例,房屋征收补偿价和安置住房价格以房屋征收公告之日为评估确定的依据。 房屋征收部门实施房屋征收时,提供住房补偿和货币补偿两种方式供居民选择。 对于您反映的问题,建议您与当地房屋征收部门联系,选择房屋补偿方式解决您的生活需求。
长沙路和包重庆路已经被封锁。 立交桥什么时候建?
李殿龙:您好,感谢您对城建工作的关心。 你所询问的长沙路重庆路立交项目目前尚无实施方案。 谢谢!
网友:我家住在浮山后面的一个小区。 附近没有初中。 我的孩子上学很不方便。 请李主任帮忙解决一下。
李殿龙:居民们好,感谢您对城乡建设工作的关注。 为缓解浮山后区初中招生难,市城乡建设委员会会同规划、教育、市北区政府,拟将原规划高中建设用地变更为浮山后区初中学校建设用地。在浮山后区玉环路209号建设初中一所,36个班。 学校近期已启动该项目前期准备工作,力争尽快开工建设。
李殿龙:居民们好,感谢您对城乡建设工作的关注。 17个建设问题由市教育局负责,建议咨询市教育局。
网友:尊敬的领导,严家山列入2017年整治计划。 为什么不再可用? 房子快要倒塌了。 你能给我答案吗?
为确保项目顺利推进,市北区委、区政府成立了郑州路片区征收改造指挥部,目前正在专题研究项目适用政策、运作模式、推进路径等问题。郑州路两侧。 由于项目范围内土地权属存在争议,目前尚无法确定开始征收的时间。
网友:市北区大港二路拆迁改造,什么时候可以搬回来? 时间太长了。
李殿龙:各位网友朋友大家好,感谢您关注我市城乡建设工作。 据了解,大港纬四路改造项目部分居民尚未签署补偿协议。 下一步,我委将积极协调指导市北区重建项目。 大力开展工作,加快工作进度,力争尽快完成征地工作,尽快清理土地,尽快开工建设。 具体问题请联系市北区发展局。 电话:85801260
李殿龙:您好! 感谢您对我市棚户区改造的关心。 目前我市主要针对该地区烂尾棚户区改造。 您询问的位置尚不具备改造资格,尚未纳入棚户区改造计划。 详情请咨询市北区发展建设局,电话85801084。
李殿龙:居民们好。 感谢您对城乡建设工作的关心。 高中改扩建相关事宜建议咨询市教育局。
网友:劲松六路道路施工:劲松六路合肥路以南为土路。 下雨积水严重,影响人车通行。 什么时候开始施工?
李殿龙:感谢您对我市城市建设工作的关心。 根据原浮山新区控制规定,劲松六路合肥路以北拟接入同德路。 因此,原浮山重建指挥部规划并批准了劲松六路(合肥路—同德路)道路通车工程。 本项目建设单位为青岛城市发展中心。 目前,合肥路至蔡聚院小区门口路段施工已完成,蔡聚院小区门口以北至同德路段施工已完成。 由于北村的土地利用问题,目前还无法实现。 现场施工。 目前,崂山区政府正在积极协调社会各界推动这项工作。 待问题解决后,我委将组织各参建单位完成剩余路段的施工。 同时,开展劲松六路(同德路-滁州路段)通车工程规划立项等前期工作。
网友:现在中小学、幼儿园的操场都是塑料跑道。 听说山东省出台了新规定。 我们的城市适用吗?
李殿龙:居民们好,感谢您对城乡建设工作的支持。 2017年2月21日,山东省发布《体育场馆合成面层原材料使用规范》。 该系列地方标准由《原材料使用规范》、《施工要求》、《验收要求》和《维护保养规范》四部分组成。 对中小学等用途跑道面层提出了原材料“正面清单”以及施工过程的主要控制点和技术要求。 同时明确了有害物质限量,从中小学塑胶跑道原材料的生产和施工全过程提供了技术依据。 ,所有标准均严格于国家标准。 此后,我市所有配套中小学、幼儿园均采用新标准。 今年9月,幸福滨海市九年一贯制学校操场跑道通过验收并已投入使用。
青岛灯饰窗帘市场什么时候搬迁? 周边居民已经没有暖气想要搬迁?
李殿龙:您好! 感谢您对我市棚户区改造的关心。 目前我市主要针对该地区烂尾棚户区改造。 您询问的位置尚不具备改造资格,尚未纳入棚户区改造计划。
网友:我是市北市棚户区改造户,家住沪青路阀门厂改造区。 社区有幼儿园吗?
李殿龙:居民们好,感谢您对城乡建设工作的关注。 阀门厂区改造项目是市北区棚户区改造和危房集中安置区之一。 规划总用地面积6.7万平方米,规划住宅建筑面积20.8万平方米,规划居住人口约5800人。 建成后,共安置搬迁居民1796户。 社区按照山东省、青岛市标准建设了6个班的现代化幼儿园。 幼儿园的土地总面积为4,002平方米,一个教学区为2,785平方米。
李·黛安(Li Dianlong)(左起),Qingdao Urban and Rural Development委员会副主任与网民进行沟通(Zhou Qi摄影)
网民:达冈路正在被拆除。 。 已经5年了,我们想回家。 。 。
李·戴安(Li Dianlong):您好网民朋友,感谢您对我们城市的城市和乡村建筑工作的关注。 据了解,Dagang Weisi Road重建项目的一些居民尚未签署赔偿协议。 目前,Shibei地区政府已经制定了一项工作计划并采取了有效的措施。 ,加快其余居民的搬迁和空缺工作。 在下一步中,我们的委员会将积极协调和指导Shibei区加强其工作努力,加快工作进步,并努力尽快完成征用工作,尽快清洁土地,并开始建设建设尽快。 有关具体问题,请联系Shibei地区发展局。 电话:85801260
网民:我是达冈韦西路地区的拆除家庭。 建设已经五年了,我不知道市场。 它如何在该地区和两个级别进行监管,以及我们必须等待多少年才能回去。
李·戴安(Li Dianlong):您好网民朋友,感谢您对我们城市的城市和乡村建筑工作的关注。 据了解,达古·韦斯(Dagang Weisi Road)重建项目的一些居民尚未签署赔偿协议。 我们的委员会正在协调Shibei区,以加快工作进步,并努力尽快加快工作。 完成征用工作,尽快清理土地,并尽快开始建设。 有关具体问题,请联系Shibei地区发展局。 电话:85801260
Netizen:您好,导演:Luoyang Road 18号会被拆除吗?
李·黛安(Li Dianlong):你好! 感谢您担心我们城市对Shantytown进行翻新的关注。 目前,我们的城市主要针对该地区未完成的棚户区的翻新。 您询问的地点尚未有资格进行翻新,尚未包含在Shanty Town翻新计划中。
良好的领导力,沿着快乐海岸城市海岸线的临时路堤由于雨水而变得泥泞,并在许多地方崩溃,带来了严重的安全风险。 目前,快乐沿海城市越来越多的居民。 海边是居民放松的主要地方。 目前,许多海岸都严重崩溃。 越来越多的人在海边烧烤,垃圾到处都是。 请告诉我,何时将开始建设快乐沿海城市的海岸线。
Li Dianlong:您好,谢谢您对城市建筑工作的关注。 快乐沿海城市的海岸线的总长度为5.4公里,其中约2400米的剩余辅助设施(包括海岸线)已准备好实施。 施工内容包括大约2,400米的海堤增强,新的Seawall洪水控制紧急通道和附属行走小径,绿色空间,美化环境等。该项目由Shibei区组织和实施。 目前,项目建立和建筑局的投标工作已经完成。 该项目的初步程序正在加速,计划于明年3月开始建设。 谢谢!
保证:在Zhangdian Road上有80多年历史的破旧的旧房屋是否有任何征收和拆除安排?
在Zhangdian Road上有80多年历史的破旧的旧房屋是否有任何征用和拆除安排?
我想问一下,在Shinan区的Zhangdian Road上是否有拆除和翻新计划? 这条街上的旧房屋通常已有近80-90年的历史,并且有许多破旧和破旧的房屋(日本占领青岛占地时建造的日本风格的房屋的结构非常薄弱)。 老居民通常没有单独的供水和厕所。 ,居民的生活非常不便。 目前,居住在这里的大多数人是70岁左右的老年人。 江苏路分区办公室曾经对居民愿意在今年八月进行被征用和拆除他们的意愿进行挨家挨户的调查,但此后没有任何消息。 我想知道政府是否有任何征收计划和安排在这条街上拆除旧房屋和破旧的房屋?
是因为青岛的红色瓷砖和绿树受到保护,在这里不会拆除吗? 当地居民可以自己修改其生活条件吗?
Li Dianlong:感谢您对我们城市棚户区的重建工作的理解和支持! Shinan区的Zhangdian Road周围的地区位于青岛历史景观保护区。 对于景观保护区和居民一致进行翻新意愿的房屋,可以将房屋报告给他们所在的地区政府,并且地区政府将将它们包括在修改范围内翻新工作安排。 居民还可以根据国家法律和法规向土地,规划和城市管理部门提交住房翻新申请,并要求他们批准和实施,并根据相关部门的要求实施。
两年前建造了横跨Huanwan的Fenyang Road立交桥,但到目前为止,只有一个空框架。 施工实际上什么时候开始?
Li Dianlong:您好,谢谢您对我们城市的城市基础设施建设工作的关注。 关于您提到的Fenyang Road立交桥建设问题,为了避免新火车线对项目建设和节省项目投资的影响,Licang District与Qingdao North Failway站结合了Fenyang Road Cross-Rail Bridge项目。 。 下一步是对于Licang,该地区将与Tangshan Road Open项目一起组织和实施其余项目。 具体的实施时间尚未确定。 有关详细信息,请联系LICANG地区建筑管理局(87639111)。 谢谢!
WXWAP_WANG PENG712:Qingdao Anbei地区拆除问题。
李·黛安(Li Dianlong):你好! 感谢您担心我们城市对Shantytown进行翻新的关注。 目前,我们的城市主要针对该地区未完成的棚户区的翻新。 您询问的地点尚未有资格进行翻新,尚未包含在Shantytown翻新计划中。
网民:您好,导演,我在今年年初得到了拆除资金,租了一所房子,然后定居在房子里。 现在,今年面对这座疯狂的房子,我手里拿着拆除资金时,我病得很重。 房屋是为了生活。面对现实。 一个70岁的人一定不能再负担得起房屋。 我希望拆除将改善生活条件,并且我一直在各地租用房屋。 我不敢考虑将来我会做什么。 我在租房周围徘徊而没有安顿下来。 对不起,我想退还钱,然后回到原来的老房子里死。 还有一个巢,请一次又一次询问。
Li Dianlong:Hello Netizen朋友,在实施房屋征用时,住房征收部门提供了两种住房和货币补偿方法,可供选择。 关于您报告的问题,建议您联系当地的住房征收部门选择住房补偿方法; 如果您符合住房要求,您也可以去住房安全部门申请负担得起的住房以解决您的住房问题。
Licang District的Dongchuan Road 8号的Haier Boyue Lanting幼儿园的建设何时开始?
李·黛安(Li Dianlong):感谢您对我们城市的城市建筑工作的关注。 关于您提出的Haier Boyue Lanting幼儿园的建设问题,由于Licang District的辅助费在封闭式管理中,建议您咨询Licang地区政府。
Netizen:Hello,Shibei区Fuyang Road 2号,几年前被指定为危险建筑。 什么时候会拆除?
李·黛安(Li Dianlong):你好! 感谢您担心我们城市对Shantytown进行翻新的关注。 目前,我们的城市主要针对该地区未完成的棚户区的翻新。 您询问的地点尚未有资格进行翻新,尚未包含在Shanty Town翻新计划中。
网民:关于Shibei区Shunchang Road拆除咨询
请告诉我,何时将搬迁Shunchang Road地区。 居民已经等待了很长时间。
李·戴安(Li Dianlong):您好网民朋友,感谢您对我们城市的城市和乡村建筑工作的关注。 据了解,Shunchang Road地区重建项目的一些居民尚未签署赔偿协议。 下一步,我们的委员会将积极协调和指导Shibei地区重建项目。 剧烈的工作,加快工作进步,并努力尽快完成征用工作,尽快清洁土地,并尽快开始建设。 有关具体问题,请联系Shibei地区发展局。 电话:85801260
网民:对不起,何时将拆除Shinan区Guancheng Road 2号?
该建筑物建于1982年。它是一种预制的面板结构,不符合地震抵抗和安全的要求。 这也是老化。 它旁边的高大建筑挡住了灯光,下面的地铁在房屋中引起了裂缝。 它符合山东省拆除Shantytown的条件。 现在,居民的生活质量受到了严重影响,他们被强烈敦促尽快拆除它,以使居民具有安全感。
Li Dianlong:感谢您对我们城市的Shantytown进行翻新的支持。 在早期,我们省引入了新的棚户区定义,要求所有地区根据旧房屋的分布,城市规划要求和区域经济发展要求安排城市更新工作的下一步。 目前,我们城市的棚户区翻新的主要范围是管子建筑,破旧的平房和破旧的房屋。 确认后,古奇路2号属于Shinan区。 这是一个拥有独立厨房和浴室的完整住所。 它不在棚户区的重建范围内。 目前尚无计划重建的计划。
网民:Cuobuling Wu社区的外墙绝缘
您好,领导者,Cuobuling 5号社区是一栋建于1980年代后期的房屋,其砖结构结构。 什么时候可以实施外墙绝缘项目? 还是在不久的将来有任何拆除计划?
李·黛安(Li Dianlong):感谢您对城市和农村建筑工作的关注。 市政政府非常重视节能和供暖项目,并将这项工作列为市政物质。 近年来,该市的年度翻新区已超过200万平方米。 根据法规,我们城市的节能和供暖项目实施了本地管理,转型计划由当地市政府决定。 在由Shibei区实施后,该社区未包括今年的翻新范围。 在下一步中,我们将与相关部门合作,加强我们的努力。 根据实际情况,地区和市政府将努力在五年内逐步完成转型。 具体计划将由地区政府确定。 您可以咨询Shibei区城市管理局。
网民:对被征用的居民进行了评估并于2016年8月签署了一项协议,直到2017年1月才支付薪酬。自2016年9月以来,青岛的住房价格飙升,该价格与原始商定的评估价格发生了很大变化。 等待赔偿到达时,被征用的居民将不再以评估价格购买房屋。 政府如何弥补价格差异?
李·戴安(Li Dianlong):您好网民朋友,感谢您对我们城市的城市和乡村建筑工作的关注。 根据州议会和我们城市的众议院征用法规的规定,根据宣布众议院征用的日期来评估和确定众议院征用薪酬价格。 在实施房屋征收时,住房征收部门为居民提供两种住房和货币补偿方法。 关于您报告的问题,建议您联系您管辖范围内的房屋征收部门,以选择解决您报告的问题的住房补偿方法。
网民:何时从吉莫市列吉亚尚镇到伊凡格迪安镇的603省高速公路可以扩大? 还建议从Huashan Town(Jimo高科技区)到Jimo区的Bolan Town扩大603号省级高速公路! ! !
从Jimo Liujizhuang Town到Yifengdian镇的603省高速公路有很多曲折。 路很窄。 省路宽7米。 两侧都建造护栏后,行人几乎无法行走。 人民代表的各个层面和大众多次报告了这个问题。 ,但吉莫市政府尚未纳入该计划。 希望青岛城将考虑整体情况,并将JIMO从城市撤离到一个地区,这是一个机会,可以有效地改善JIMO西北部603省路和Jimo的后座的交通能力,并促进促进全面的经济和社会发展。 弥补经济发展限制的交通和道路问题,谢谢
Li Dianlong:您好,请给出有关Jimo地区603省603号省级高速公路的建议。 对于运输部门的责任,建议省级高速公路建设,建议您咨询市政运输委员会的88018903。我们也希望您将继续关注并支持城市和农村建筑工作。 谢谢你!
网民:八个大湖正在向后移动。 自Badahu被拆除以来已经过去了近8年。 我什么时候可以回去?
李·黛安(Li Dianlong):居民你好。 实施后,Shinan区的BADAHU拆除和安置住房项目现已恢复建筑,预计将在2019年底完成。将在项目完成后研究和确定具体的搬迁时间。 请与Shinan区征用和安置部门联系,以及时咨询。
Netizen:我是达冈韦西路的西点的居民。 请告诉我,我们什么时候回去? 请给我们一个准确的时间,要么在几年内返回,要么根据当前的拆除政策给我们钱。 如果继续这样做,我们将不再负担房屋。 我们无法等待这个无尽的延迟。 啊,请考虑人们的困难和体贴。 您一生的储蓄只是为了这一所房子。 不要像球一样踢。 我们不知道要寻找谁。 作为官员,您应该考虑人民并了解他们的痛苦。 我迫切希望急切地回去!
Li Dianlong:您好,来自网民的朋友,感谢您对我们城市的城市和乡村建筑工作的关注。 理解后,一些居民没有在当前的Dagang Weifang Road重建项目上签署赔偿协议。 强大的工作,加快工作进度,努力尽快完成收藏,尽快清洁土地,并尽快开始建设。 有关具体问题,请联系北区发展局咨询局,电话:85801260
Netizen:您好,Shibei区Yantan Village表示,这是今年第二批转型。 为什么一点动静都没有?
李·黛安(Li Dianlong):你好! 感谢您担心我们城市对Shantytown进行翻新的关注。 为了促进Yantan Village剩余电影的平稳进步,市政北部地区委员会政府已成立了Zhengzhou Road地区,以收集和转变重建总部,专门研究政策和促销路径。 为了应对盐滩剩余电影的历史问题,该省住房公司目前正在与相关的市政部门建立联系,以研究相关的政策和促销路径,并将根据工作的进度确定特定的开始时间。
黄道区的Lijiang West Road 122号Tangdao海岸已经二十多岁了6年。 所有者同时支付了抵押和租金,请愿书已被无数次暴露。 房地产一直处于腐烂状态。 李和青岛市政府的相关领导人引起了人们的关注,为我们提供了自己的房屋,以解决坦达多海岸的烂尾巴。
Li Dianlong:您好,谢谢您对这座城市的城市建筑工作的关注。 Tangdao Coast项目是由Qingdao Haiding Real Estate Co.,Ltd ..开发和建造的。由于公司的资金问题,该项目的暂停无法交付。 目前,该公司正在谈判与合作,以振兴该项目以完成建设。 为了计划未按计划交付,房地产开发企业应承担违反合同的责任。 从房地产销售合同中规定了违约额。 项目交付后,将获得相应的薪酬。
网民:你好李! Licang区Chengzhong村的Banqiaofang何时将开始今年的拆除程序? 看到在Banqiaofang Fangfang外围的77 Xingning Road的规划计划,是否建于1980年代Sichai Middle Road的80年代? 它在拆除范围内吗? 许多人没有加热。 居民期待拆除用暖气购买商业房屋。 谢谢你!
Li Dianlong:感谢您对棚户区的翻新支持! 与Licang区Shed改革办公室进行对接后,Li Cang地区政府目前与相关部门结合使用,以研究该地区的重建计划。 确定计划后,将根据计划和批处理实施转换。
Li Dianlong:您好,这个网民朋友! 感谢您对城市和农村建筑的支持和关注。 城市的地铁工程由青岛地铁工程施工总部计划和计划。 相关问题可以详细咨询市政地铁工程施工总部的办公室。 告诉0532-55770000。
网民:何时将在licang区的Yongping Road 38
三种药物附近的道路很狭窄,明天早晨,交通拥堵将很严重。 噪音将影响居民的生活。 该建筑物建于1974年。预制的董事会结构,即不符合生活的安全条件,也不符合地震抵抗要求。墙壁裂缝是严重的,它符合山东省Shantytown的拆除条件
Li Dianlong:谢谢您对棚户区的翻新的支持!尚未包含在Shed改革计划中
网民:台湾路唇桥和芬阳路交叉桥的进展如何? 什么时候完成?
Li Dianlong:您好,谢谢您对我们城市中城市基础设施建设的关注。 您提到的Fenyang Road互换构造问题的问题。 Fenyang Road Cross -railway Bridge项目的建设已同时建立。 在下一步中,Licang区将结合Tangshan Road,以开放同时实施其余项目的项目。 目前,尚未确定具体的实施时间。 有关详细信息,请咨询Licang区建筑管理局(87639111)。 谢谢!
网民:惠旺路北部的海桥不可能有一条高高的道路。 我听说他们正在与山东高速速度进行谈判。 我什么时候可以开始施工?
Li Dianlong:您好,谢谢您对我们城市建设的关注。 您提到的Huanwan路北部的海湾桥布线的问题。 运输委员会负责与市政运输委员会(88018903)有关特定的建筑问题咨询。 谢谢!
Li Dianlong:您好,谢谢您对城市建筑工作的关注。 您建议您根据该部门的职能咨询您向Jiaoan提到的开发区(83893277)。 谢谢!
Li Dianlong:您好,这个网民朋友! 感谢您对城市和农村建筑的支持和关注。 据了解,Yan'an一直没有扩展计划。
网民:Hang'achat Jiaotong桥的扩展是在2018年2月开始的吗? 特定工程的范围是否延伸到富裕路?
Li Dianlong:您好,谢谢您对城市建设的关注。 您提到的Hangzhou Sader电梯的扩展部分的建设是基于市政政府的劳动分工。 电话:58625003)组织初步计划研究和其他工作。 谢谢!
Li Dianlong:您好,谢谢您对城市建筑工作的关注。 您提到了建造Xiawangbu的问题。 据了解,目前没有实施计划。 具体情况可以咨询LICANG地区建筑管理局(电话:87639111)。
八个主要湖泊的拆除项目已经开始。 该项目何时结束,何时可以搬迁? 社区不是关闭社区吗,地下停车场租金还是出售?
Li Dianlong:Hello居民。 实施后,已恢复了Shinan区八个主要湖泊的项目,预计将在2019年底完成。该项目将在项目完成后确定。 对于您是否咨询封闭的社区和停车场的问题,建议您联系该市的南部地区以收集安置部门进行咨询。
您好,领导者第4行将被计划。 Anshan Road小学在现场。 地铁完成后,学校会重新安置吗?
李·戴安隆(Li Dianlong):感谢您对城市城市建筑的关注。 为了搬迁您提议的Anshan Road小学,它涉及自然界和区域规划调整中城市土地的变化。 建议咨询规划和土地管理部门。
您好,我是2017年八月的北区北区的拆除居民。 我什么时候与薪酬合同,阅读报纸,说我已经得到了。 谢谢
Li Dianlong:您好,朋友们,感谢您对我们城市的Shantytown进行翻新的关注。 2017年,Shantytown翻新项目涉及大量居民。 根据居民合同和房地产证书的取消,薪酬资金分批签发。 请注意街道办公室协议的发行通知和赔偿。
Metro第4行的地点是什么? 哪些站点将涉及拆除?谢谢
Li Dianlong:您好,这个网民朋友! 感谢您对城市和农村建筑的支持和关注。 城市的地铁工程由青岛地铁工程施工总部计划和计划。 相关问题可以详细咨询市政地铁工程施工总部的办公室。 告诉0532-55770000。
网民:自2007年9月的市政政府名称以来,希菲街的Dongning Planning Road已被命名,已经十年了,尚未建成。 自建筑委员会的休息路发布以来已经三年了。 该新闻每年都会在一年中修复。 每年都会表明,原因每年不能完成。 让我咨询李。 今年的这条路可以完成约200米吗? 请花一点时间在您忙碌的日程中,看看过去十年来周围居民的生活环境!
Li Dianlong:感谢您对城市的城市建设工作的关注。 东宁路计划建立项目,并负责青岛城市发展中心的建设。 目前,市政部门和土地部门正在处理该项目的土地收购工作。 土地获取周期的收购周期很长,因为在周围村庄的历史上涉及道路的道路获取。 在着陆部门将在下一步完成土地征用工作之后,我们的委员会将根据法规组织建设部门以加强相关程序,并尽快开始项目构建。
网民:东昌海滨当前的建筑物编号,什么时候可以发行16号建筑物? 同时建造的建筑物具有房地产证书。
Li Dianlong:您好,谢谢您对我们城市的城市和农村建筑工作的支持。 根据市政政府的工作部署,房地产证书处理历史国家的负责任主题是地方政府,建议您向地区政府反映该问题。
新济岛第二社区目前的房屋质量较差。 如果地震抗性具有抵抗力,并且泄漏和雨水的现象是严重的。 什么时候可以拆除和转换?
Li Dianlong:Hello居民。 目前,地区政府正在充分促进对棚户区的翻新。 Shinan District的新济岛2号社区是一套相对较晚的房屋。 它不在棚户区的翻新范围内,也没有收集重建计划。
Li Dianlong:感谢您对棚户区的翻新支持! 目前,地区政府的相关部门正在研究该地区的重建计划,并将根据计划和确定计划后的批次进行转型。
李·黛安(Li Dianlong):你好! 感谢您担心我们城市对Shantytown进行翻新的关注。 目前,这座城市主要转变为该地区未覆盖的Shantytown。 您要求的位置没有重建条件,尚未包含在Shantytown重建计划中。
网民:自今年以来,若佐市每平方米上升了3,000至4,000元。 在这样一个县级城市级别的房屋价格上涨的情况下,它令人难以置信。 人们难以忍受。 捷岛的房价飙升,因此中心精神不象征,
强烈要求青岛监督北京的购买限制政策,从而使jiaozhou City的住房价格下降,以便jiaozhou的大多数人都可以负担得起房屋! 80万人在捷岛等着看!
Li Dianlong:您好,谢谢您对城市和农村建筑工作的支持。 自今年以来,何福(Jiaozhou)受到了新的机场建设和地铁规划等有利政策的影响。 诸如限制销售的措施,以抑制投资投机性房屋的购买,并停止在房价过高和过度销售定价的项目上销售。 下一步,我们将继续严格执行各种监管政策,并促进市场的平稳运营。
为什么在拜夸路(Baiquan Road)开放该项目? 它不是计划在年底开放吗? Is the replacement of the original Baiquan passersby tiles now contradicts that it is conflict with the opening of the project?
Whether the thermal insulation and renovation project of No. 446 and 448 Nanjing Road has planned construction time, it may not be achieved this year.
Li Dianlong: Thank you for your concern for the city's urban construction work. The opening of the Baiquan Road to open the Qingjiang branch-Nanjing section, planned to be opened by the end of the year. It is not contradictory with the existing Waquan Road renovation.
Netizen: It's cold, when will the old house renovation of the outer wall insulation project started construction?
Li Dianlong: Energy -saving and heating project is implemented by the district and municipal governments in the district, and the local competent authorities can be counseled. Urban Management Bureau of Shinan District, telephone 88729206; Shibei District Urban Management Bureau, telephone 83732708; Licang District Urban Construction Management Bureau, telephone 87639166; Laoshan District Urban and Rural Construction Bureau, telephone 88993739
Netizen: Excuse me, do you have to plan or demolish Hangzhou Road 74?
Li Dianlong: Hello! Thank you for your concern for the renovation of shantytowns in our city. At present, the city is mainly transformed into unsubsided shantytowns in the area. The location you asked does not have the conditions for reconstruction, and it is not yet included in the shantytown reconstruction plan.
Netizen: Director Li is good. Last year, the Shibei River Road was demolished. Our courtyard also posted a list, but at the end of August this year, there was no one in Chengde Road. Give us a reply (Our Courtyard has been in this building since I lived in this building, saying that the Dangerous Building doesn't know why it will not be dismantled)
Li Dianlong: Hello! Thank you for your concern for the renovation of shantytowns in our city. At present, the city is mainly transformed into unsubsided shantytowns in the area. The location you asked does not have the conditions for reconstruction, and it is not yet included in the shantytown reconstruction plan.
Netizen: The house is used for living, not frying, please explain the intention, is it necessary to lower the house price
Li Dianlong: Hello, thank you for your attention to urban and rural construction work. Since this year, the city has strictly implemented various national policies and measures, implemented policies such as restrictions on purchase, loans, and sales to suppress investment speculative demand. Several measures such as the renovation of shantytowns, improving the housing security system, controlling sales prices, encouraging rental and sales, and other measures have stabilized house prices and promoted the steady and healthy development of the real estate market in our city. 0.3%, the increase in house prices has fallen significantly.
Netizen: Hello, respectful leader! I am the demolition household in Dagang Road. In November 12th, the original old room area has not been demolished with the developer's signing agreement with the developer. It has been 5 years so far! I wonder when I can live in a new house? ! ! There are also changes in the original planning that we cannot accept it. At present, it is divided into East Film and Western Film, which is unclear, causing a lot of trouble for us. Hope that the leaders can find out a successful explanation of crude oil in time to give our people a successful explanation and solve our desire to relocate in a timely manner. Thank you so much.Swap again
Li Dianlong: Hello netizens and friends, thank you for your attention to the urban and rural construction work of our city. After understanding, some residents still have not signed a compensation agreement at the current Dagang Weiyi Road Reconstruction Project. The question, strive to sign the contract as soon as possible, clean the ground as soon as possible, and start work as soon as possible. You can contact the Consultation of the North District Development Bureau, and the telephone number: 85801260.For the planning issues you report, in accordance with the regulations, before the plan is changed, the opinions of the residents should be publicized. It is recommended that you consult the planning department
Netizen: Suggestion: After a certain period of time after the official collection, cancel the business license to be collected
Qingdao's excessive demolition plot, because there are nail households who have been delayed too much.
Suggestion: Establish and improve regulations: In the "residential business" residential houses that have been levied land, the property attributes to the residential housing will be automatically disappeared three months after the official collection and announcement. Continue or apply for a new business certificate on this address.
This can greatly reduce the problem of nail households, especially relying on operating income as nails. For business households who do not sign contracts on time, "business compensation" will be lost three months later to facilitate promoting collection and transformation.
Li Dianlong: Hello, friends, thank you very much. Thank you very much for the relevant suggestions. In the next step, our committee will conduct in -depth investigations and continue to improve the house collection policy in our city.
Netizen: I am Zhang Yan from 40 households in No. 6 Zhiyi Road. On July 23, 2016, I signed a house compensation agreement. The evaluation price was 14,490 yuan per square meter. I finished the house in late October. Compensation was received on January 2. My question is: First, the house prices at the time had risen. Why is the evaluation price of Zhongshan Road so low? Second, the collection office was delayed for two months before paying compensation, which violated Article 5 of the agreement and belonged to breach of contract; I asked the government to give me a fair and fair statement.
Li Dianlong: Hello, friends from netizens, thank you for your concern for urban and rural construction work in our city. According to the State Council and the city's house collection regulations, the compensation price and resettlement house price of houses are determined by the date of the announcement of the house collection announcement. When the house collection is implemented, the housing collection department provides two ways: house and currency compensation for residents to choose from. For the problem of the problem of the house acquisition agreement you reflect, it is recommended that you contact the local house acquisition department to solve it.
Netizen: Hello Director Li! I am a resident of No. 6 Zhiqi Road, Shinan District. The compensation agreement signed at the end of July last year, the average of 14,000 per square meter. I only got compensation in January this year. In May and June of this year, the compensation standards for levies such as Liaoning Road, Dalian Road, Huangtai Road and other places were an average of 22,000 yuan per square meter. And on October 6, our neighbor Huangdao Road, 6-16, also levied at No. 42 Zhiyi Road, and the compensation standard was 22,000 yuan. I want to ask Director Li why the difference is so big? The government has renovated our people's hearts and improved our living conditions. However, we have more than half a year before our neighbors have been collected for more than half a year, and the compensation standards can be compensated by more than 8,000. When we got the money, we couldn't afford the house. I wonder if Director Li can reflect the distress of our people and compensate our difference.
Li Dianlong: Hello, friends from netizens, thank you for your attention to urban and rural construction work in our city. According to the State Council and the city's house collection regulations, when the house collection is implemented, the house collection department provides two ways of house and currency compensation for residents to choose from, and property rights are replaced. The time for the price and compensation price of the house is the date of the announcement of the house collection announcement. For the problems you reflected, it is recommended that you contact the local house collection department to choose a house compensation method to solve your living needs.
Netizen: Have you planned the subway line of "Zhucheng-Shipuji Town-Duchen Town-Jiaozhou-Jiaodong International Airport"?
Li Dianlong: Hello, this netizen friend! Thank you for your support and concern for urban and rural construction. The city's subway engineering is planned and planned by the Qingdao Metro Engineering Construction Headquarters. The relevant issues can be consulting the Office of the Municipal Metro Engineering Construction Headquarters in detail. Telled 0532-55770000.
Netizen: Hello director! Yanjiashan, Zhengzhou Road, Shibei District, said that the second batch of demolition this year is not dismantled. 现在已经是年底了。 I hope to give the people a reply, thank you!
Li Dianlong: Hello! Thank you for your concern for the renovation of shantytowns in our city. In order to ensure the smooth progress of the project, the Government of the North District Party Committee has formed the Zhengzhou Road area collection and reconstruction headquarters. At present, it is currently studying issues such as the applicable policies, operation models, and promotion paths on both sides of the Zhengzhou Road project. After the relevant issues within the scope of the project will be resolved, the collection will be started as soon as possible.
3VDBXKCHPG0JBNLG: Many old buildings in the North District have carried out an external insulation layer. Want to ask when the southern district of our city starts?
Li Dianlong: Thank you for your concern for urban and rural construction work. It is understood that this year, the city's southern district plan has implemented a 1 million square meter of energy -saving and heating project. It is expected that it will be constructed one after another before the 20th of this month.
Netizen: When will the nine -year consistent school in Wenchang Road in Licang District start construction?
Li Dianlong: Thank you for your concern for the city's urban construction work. The construction of Licang District is a closed management area, and the construction of supporting facilities such as schools is responsible for the district government, and it is recommended to consult the Licang District Government.
Netizen: When will the No. 57 Yan'an 3rd Road be demolished?
No. 53 and 55 of Yan'an 3rd Road has begun to demolish and transformation. There are only two three -story three -story building on the front of Yan'an 3rd Road. When will the demolition and reconstruction start? 谢谢你!
Li Dianlong: Hello! Thank you for your concern for the renovation of shantytowns in our city. At present, the city is mainly transformed into unsubsided shantytowns in the area. The location you asked does not have the conditions for reconstruction, and it is not yet included in the shantytown reconstruction plan.
Netizen: Hello leader, I am a resident of Zhongshan Road. The house compensation evaluated in August 2016 will get money from January 10, 2017. In this six months, the market price of the house is more than 20,000. The 800,000 yuan in this area is worried. We can't even buy this money even if the government gives the compensation 45 square meters. This is how to give the people's well -off and improve the living environment. The demolition and evaluation of the company cover the sky. The houses are more than 10,000 in the same type of district. Please investigate and return to us.Thanks
Li Dianlong: Hello, friends from netizens, thank you for your attention to urban and rural construction work in our city. According to the State Council and the city's house collection regulations, when the house collection is implemented, the house collection department provides two ways of house and currency compensation for residents to choose from, and property rights are replaced. The time for the price and compensation price of the house is the date of the announcement of the house collection announcement. Regarding the problem that you can not buy a house when you get compensation, it is recommended that you contact the government government and report that if you meet the housing security conditions, you can also apply for affordable housing at the housing security department.
Netizen: The simple shantytown of the standard of Unit 3, Zhenjiang Road, has no plastering on the ceiling! Is there a plan to demolish next year? ? ? !
I hope the leader will take a look! Standard preparation for the barren tower! Let us improve the living conditions in their lifetime! ! ! Hope to give a reply!
Li Dianlong: Hello! Thank you for your concern for the renovation of shantytowns in our city. At present, the city is mainly transformed into unsubsided shantytowns in the area. The location you asked does not have the conditions for reconstruction, and it is not yet included in the shantytown reconstruction plan.
Netizen: I hope Qingdao's house prices will be reduced more and benefit the people
I hope that the house prices in Qingdao will reduce the house price, benefit the people, and do more work on the construction committee.
Li Dianlong: Hello, thank you for your support for urban and rural construction work. Since this year, our city has strictly implemented various national regulatory policies, implemented measures such as restrictions on purchases, loans, and sales to suppress investment speculative demand. The renovation of shantytowns, improved the housing security system, controlling sales prices, and encouraging leases and sales to promote the steady and healthy development of the real estate market in our city. The increase was significantly narrowed and the rise was curbed.
Netizen: No. 30, Inner Mongolia Road Demolition Plan
领导好! The issue of demolition at No. 30 Inner Mongolia Road, the relevant government departments mentioned several times, but have not made progress. Is there a plan now?Thanks
Li Dianlong: Hello! Thank you for your concern for the renovation of shantytowns in our city. At present, the city is mainly transformed into unsubsided shantytowns in the area. The location you asked does not have the conditions for reconstruction, and it is not yet included in the shantytown reconstruction plan.
Netizen: Excuse me, we are the residents of Zhongshan Road community. The house collection assessment made in August last year did get the money only a few days before the Spring Festival this year. At this time, the house price has risen more than 10,000. Can't afford the house, let us hold the money like a hot potato, and ask the government to consider compensation for us at this year's price. 谢谢
Li Dianlong: Hello, friends from netizens, thank you for your attention to urban and rural construction work in our city. According to the State Council and the city's house collection regulations, when the house collection is implemented, the house collection department provides two ways of house and currency compensation for residents to choose from, and property rights are replaced. The time for the price and compensation price of the house is the date of the announcement of the house collection announcement. Regarding the problem that you can not buy a house when you get compensation, it is recommended that you contact the government government and report that if you meet the housing security conditions, you can also apply for affordable housing at the housing security department.
Netizen: I hope Qingdao's house prices will fall below 10,000 yuan per square country
Li Dianlong: Hello, thank you for your support for urban and rural construction work. Since this year, our city has strictly implemented various national regulatory policies, implemented measures such as restrictions on purchases, loans, and sales to suppress investment speculative demand. Several measures such as the renovation of shantytowns, improved the housing security system, controlling sales prices, and encouraging leases and sales to promote the steady and healthy development of the real estate market in our city. The index fell 1.8 percentage points from the previous month. The index fell 0.1 percentage points from the previous month. It ranked 27 and 33 in 70 large and medium cities across the country. House prices increased significantly, and the rise trend was curbed.
Netizen: Last year, the state requested house prices, and Qingdao lacked up house prices last year. Why not execute the central government instructions
Li Dianlong: Hello, thank you for your support for urban and rural construction work. Since the fourth quarter of last year, our city has strictly implemented various national regulatory policies, regulates market order, strictly cracks down on sale, housing housing, and raising house prices. This year In order to further consolidate the results of regulation and control, our city has implemented measures for purchase restrictions, loans, and sales to inhibit investment speculative demand and prevent housing prices from rising excessive rise. The year -on -year index fell 1.8 percentage points from the previous month. The index fell 0.1 percentage points from the previous month. The increase in house prices was significantly narrowed, and the rise trend was curbed. In the next step, we will continue to adopt measures to increase market supply, shantytowns, improve the housing security system, and encourage lease and sale to promote the stable and healthy development of the real estate market in our city.
Netizen: The house is lived, not fried, the state requires house prices, how much house prices can fall, people have no money to buy a house, hurry up and lower it.
How does the Urban -Rural Development Commission understand that the house is lived, not a stir -fry. The state requires house prices to reduce house prices. How much can house prices fall? People have no money to buy a house.
Li Dianlong: Hello, thank you for your support for urban and rural construction work. Since the beginning of this year, our city has strictly implemented various national policies and measures, implemented policies such as restrictions on purchase, loans, and sales to suppress investment speculative needs. Several measures such as the renovation of shantytowns, improved the housing security system, controlling sales prices, and encouraging leases and sales to promote the steady and healthy development of the real estate market in our city. The index fell 1.8 percentage points from the previous month. The index fell 0.1 percentage points from the previous month. It ranked 27 and 33 in 70 large and medium cities across the country. House prices increased significantly.
Zixue Ruo Wu: Is there a period of demolition in Yantan Village, North of Shibei
Li Dianlong: Hello, friends, thank you for your concern for the renovation of shantytowns in our city. In order to promote the smooth advancement of the remaining films of Yantan Village, the Municipal North District Party Committee Government has formed the Zhengzhou Road area to collect and transform the reconstruction headquarters to specialize in the collection of policies and promotion paths. In response to the historical problems of the remaining films of salt beach, the provincial housing company is currently connecting with relevant municipal departments to study relevant policies and promotion paths, and will determine the specific start time according to the progress of the work.
Netizen: How to complain about the property and complain about the real estate company
Li Dianlong: Hello, thank you for your attention to the urban and rural construction of our city. The real estate development chain is long. It involves multiple departments such as land, planning, and construction. Property problems, you can complain to the Municipal Property Office, telephone 85061074.
Netizen: Please give the accurate start time of several new and secondary schools in the new district in the new district of Fushan.
Li Dianlong: Hello netizens friends! Thank you for your concern for the city's urban construction. According to the detailed control of the Fushan New District, a total of 17 junior high schools and primary schools were planned to be planned (including 1 school that has been built but needed to be renewed and expanded). There are currently 8 built -in, 2 are not yet constructed. The main problems of the remaining schools that have not been constructed are the issue of land acquisition. The land acquisition work of the above schools involves the collective land of villages and the land of central affairs, and the land acquisition work is extremely difficult. In view of the above -mentioned practical difficulties, in order to solve the problem of enrollment of children's admission to school, on the one hand, our committee will actively communicate and coordinate with the municipal land departments and related district governments and related land ownership units, break through the problem of influencing land acquisition work one by one, and promote the construction of new schools, such as The Xujia Dongshan renovation supporting school, Beicun Middle School, and the supporting schools of Hefei Road and Fushan Houzhong, which are planned to be promoted next year, etc. On the other hand, dock with district construction and education departments to combine theoretical testimony to conduct schools with the conditions of reconstruction and expansion conditions. Reform and expand, increase degrees, and improve the conditions for running schools, such as Anlu Primary School and Ning'an Road Primary School's reconstruction and expansion project.
In the next step, our committee will continue to increase its efforts to promote the construction of the school of Fushan New District, so that each school with construction conditions will be completed as soon as possible to ensure safety and quality. High -quality supporting education services.
TOM: Whether the Huanwan high -speed sound insulation screen of Yuexiu No. 8, Yuexiu No. 8, Jinzhong Road, Licang District can extend hundreds of meters north
Last month, the Yuexiu Community, No. 8 Jinzhong Road, Licang District, has built a sound insulation screen, but the sound insulation screen is only built south of Puyang Road. The noise of the northern windows north of the northernmost part of the community is obviously greater than the noise of the South Window. Can the sound insulation screen extend to a few hundred meters north and plant tall plants on the east side of the Huanwan high -speed speed?
Li Dianlong: Answer: Hello, this netizen friend! Thank you for your support and concern for urban and rural construction. Regarding the setting of sound -separation screens in Licang District, it is recommended that you consult the Ligang District Urban Construction Administration of the Liberal Construction Department for consultation, the telephone is: 87639119.
Netizen: When will the 9 community design scheme outside Huangdao Island pass? When will the resettlement area be built? When is the construction of elementary school junior high school?
Li Dianlong: Hello netizen, thank you for your attention to shed reform work. After implementation, the relocation and reconstruction project of nine communities outside Huangdao District is involved in Huangdao Street Cross Road, Zhang Gezhuang, Longwan Ya, Guojiatai, Fajiayuan, Butler Iwa, Cola Stone, Longfeng, Longdou Mountain in front of 9 communities. The project site is located on both sides of the cola stone reservoir, and the sides of the unity road, separated from Qingdao Jiuzhong. At present, the project has completed the evaluation of the detailed planning and design plan of the resettlement zone, determined the construction unit, the project surveying, preliminary survey and other tasks were determined, the project feasibility research report and the earthfighting plan were prepared, and the work was formulated. The plan is expected to carry out earth and stone construction by the end of this year. The selection of primary school junior high school was not determined in the end, and related work was carried out as soon as possible after determining.
Netizen: When will the 11 villages of Shilong, Li Gezhuang, Jiaozhou, to evaluate
When did the 11 villages of Shilong, Li Gezhuang, Jiaozhou, when to evaluate Li Gezhuang second -hand house 7900
Li Dianlong: Hello, thank you for your concern and support for urban and rural construction work. After understanding Li Gezhuang Town, the town is currently actively connecting with the higher -level departments, promoting the relocation work in accordance with the procedures. Carry out relocation related work. For relocation compensation prices, the local housing price will be formulated by the local housing price.
Netizen: Does Xiliuzhuang in Li Cang District in the 2018 demolition plan?
Li Dianlong: Thank you for your support for the renovation of the shantytown!In the 2018 shantytown renovation plan, it belongs to Xiaoweng District
Netizen: Hello Leader: When will Jinsong 5th Road be opened?
Li Dianlong: Hello, thank you for your concern for the city's urban construction work. The Jinsong Fifth Road has planned to establish projects. The Qingdao Urban Development Center is responsible for construction. The construction land of this section of roads belongs to four ownership units, namely Beicun, West and Korean, Tsingtao Beer Freight, and Orchari Horticulture. As of now, the land acquisition work in Beimura has been completed, and the remaining three land acquisition markets and district and land departments are actively promoting. At present, there are still some ground attachments within the scope of the land requisition of Beicun. Our committee has been connected with the Laoshan District Government. The district government intends to organize relevant departments to enter the market in the near future, and then our commission will organize each participating unit to immediately meet the upheast of the upheast. The scope of land acquisition is first constructed, and combined with the progress of land acquisition work in the municipal and district and land departments to promote the construction of the remaining road sections.
Netizen: Excuse me: When will the 29th of Yan'an Second Road in Shibei District be demolished? 谢谢。
Li Dianlong: Hello, friends, thank you for your concern for the renovation of shantytowns in our city. At present, the city is mainly transformed into non -complete houses in the area. The location you ask is not yet available in the renovation of shantytowns, and it is not yet included in the shantytown reconstruction plan.
Netizen: When can I demolish at 84 Xingde Road, Shibei District?
Li Dianlong: Hello, friends, thank you for your concern for the renovation of shantytowns in our city. At present, the city is mainly transformed into unsubsided shantytowns in the area. The location you asked does not have the conditions for reconstruction, and it is not yet included in the shantytown reconstruction plan.
RWXTMQG6P2WSQPM: When will the Dongli Garden be relocated at 995 Binhe Road, Licang District?
Li Dianlong: Thank you for your support for the renovation of the shantytown!The area has not been included in the shed reform plan yet
Netizen: Has the Shuangshan Elementary School planned? When can it be built?
Has the Shuangshan Primary School planned? When can it be built? The surrounding residents have been looking forward to ten years, and the surrounding schools have been guaranteed, but Shuangshan Elementary School has been unprepared. The government shouted every day to pay attention to education and solve the most urgent needs of the people. Are these just slogans?
Li Dianlong: Thank you for your concern for the construction of supporting educational facilities in our city. The project's application for land allocation in 2013. Due to the compensation involved in the economic development of Shuangshan Agricultural Industry and Commerce, the situation is complicated. At present, the Shibei District Government plans to replace some of the economic development of the Shuangshan Agricultural Industry and Commerce Corporation within the scope of school construction land. Complete land acquisition work as soon as possible. After the land acquisition work is completed, our committee will step up the follow -up work and strive to start construction as soon as possible.
Netizen: Jiaozhou Li Gezhuang Qian Shilong 11 village compensation plan
Geori Village, Jiaozhou City, Jiangxin Village, Gaojia Village, Wangxin Village, Qian Shilong, Hou Shilong, Nanwangjiazhuang, Taoyuan, Datun I, Datun San relocation compensation plan is by Jiaozhou Housing Management Bureau在进一步研究和完善都研究好几个月了至今不下发
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