

导读 招商策略:A股重回上行,8月行业配置层面围绕TMT、耐用消费品仍是主要思路,展望8月,随着政治局会议召开定调“加大宏观政策调控力度”,市场对于后续经济预期逐渐企稳。


大势分析及核心逻辑:A股重回上涨行列。 此前,市场对经济和企业利润存在担忧。 不过,7月政治局会议“加大宏观政策调控力度,重点关注扩大内需、提振信心”。 预计消费、房地产、数字经济等一系列方向将有更多政策出台。 政策很多。 有利于稳定经济预期。 由于去年下半年到今年上半年企业利润率较低,已经开始出现明显反弹。 经济企稳后,企业利润增速有望进一步回升,A股基本面进入上行周期。 本次政治局会议提到“要激活资本市场,提振投资者信心”,而从媒体报道来看,证监会也正在对资本市场投资侧改革做出相应安排和部署。 预计后续一系列针对资本市场投资端的政策有望推出,从而活跃资本市场,提振投资者信心。 流动性方面,当前A股面临的内外部流动性环境出现积极变化。 美联储加息终点临近,短期预期的稳定为A股创造了良好的外部流动性环境。 国内方面,以7月份政治局会议为标志,政策环境的显着改善有望带动市场风险偏好的恢复,从而吸引更多风险偏好较高的资金入市。

从风格上看,一方面,历史上,券商板块大涨之后,以中证1000为代表的小盘成长风格往往表现较好; 另一方面,北向资金与融资资金经过一段时间的分化后,风险偏好趋于好转。 带动融资资金回流,进而形成小盘成长风格的主导。 因此,进入8月后,随着市场情绪回暖,一旦融资资金流入,小盘成长风格或将重新占据主导地位。

8月产业配置核心思路:当前经济前景稳定,政治局明确决定加大政策力度。 从政策表述来看,扩大消费特别是以家电、家居用品、电子产品、汽车为代表的耐用消费品是重点 除了强调的方向外,数字经济、人工智能、平台经济仍是方向政策上多次强调要支持。 8月份是半年报集中披露的月份。 之前对业绩不如预期的担忧将在8月份成为现实。 投资者可以开始重新寻找三季度甚至三季度业绩大幅改善的方向。 综合基本面、事件和政策,从当前经济形势、政策力度和数据趋势来看,TMT【计算机设备及应用】【半导体】【消费电子】【零部件】、耐用消费品【家用电器】【家居用品】【汽车及零部件]仍然是市场的主要思路。 医药板块业绩改善斜率开始加大,可相应加大关注度。 建议继续关注【医疗服务和医疗器械】。

流动性:市场风险偏好的恢复可能导致融资余额的恢复。 流动性方面,当前货币市场流动性平稳、略显宽松。 8月份后,地方政府债券发行或将加速,可能对宏观流动性造成扰动,但同时有望支撑社会融资增速缓慢恢复。 从外部来看,美联储对 9 月份加息持开放态度。 目前美债利率已经反映了80%的9月不加息预期,8月公布的7月通胀增速下滑可能已经放缓。 预计8月份美国利率将上调。 债券收益率或将继续高位波动。 股市资金供需方面,随着美联储加息接近尾声以及国内稳增长政策密集释放,人民币汇率有所改善,外资有望持续净流入; 随着市场风险偏好恢复,融资资金或将转向流入; 结构性条件下,ETF有望继续通过净申购贡献增量资金。 总体来看,在目前A股现有资本结构下,外资是A股重要的边际增量。 如果融资资金回流,可能会带动小盘股的表现。

企业盈利:二季度经济整体复苏情况与市场预期存在一定差异。 但6月单月经济数据出现触底回升迹象,部分领域出现明显企稳甚至复苏迹象。 主要包括:1、PPI底部或已形成,上游景气度小幅改善,部分领域下半年或迎来业绩拐点。 2.6、TMT制造业工业总产值和工业产品生产加速,多项宏观、中观指标逐步走出底部区间。 3、消费数据小幅企稳,受家电、汽车消费拉动,预计未来仍将是支撑内需复苏的关键。 考虑到中报业绩逐步落地以及近期政策密集释放,建议重点关注业绩高增长(经济有进一步复苏空间,需求增长改善),未来业绩有望呈现拐点,并受益于政策驱动方向,细分行业包括消费电子、家电、工业金属、汽车零部件、软件开发等。

跟踪及行业趋势投资:从行业趋势和技术进步的角度来看,目前我们认为汽车智能化领域已经发生了变化。 在政策的大力支持和优势企业的合作下,汽车智能化有望全面加速。 建议继续关注汽车智能化。 方向。 从产业政策的监管和重点方向来看,目前我们认为政策对集成电路和人工智能产业的大力支持。 建议继续关注AI+、芯片等领域的投资机会。 从产业政策和关注方向来看,目前我们认为7月政治局会议再次提到数字经济,加上目前政策正在加大对数据要素的支持,且数据局的领导已经到位,建议开始关注数字经济的方向。 包括工业数字化(特别是智能驾驶,这是最近行业趋势催化的)和数据要素。

风险提示:经济数据和政策不及预期; 海外政策收紧超预期




在上一份月报中,我们写道,“经济企稳迹象明显,预计稳增长政策将继续出台; 美联储加息终于结束了,外资回归流入,国内公募资金回归净流入,A股回归上行周期。”在行业配置层面,一位政治局人士表示7月下旬召开会议讨论经济,稳增长方向、重点政策支持、产业趋势更加确定等仍是市场布局的主要方向。业绩预测窗口,当前工业利润增速已到拐点,出现利润拐点的行业需要重点关注,重点推荐以TMT、家电及汽配、旅游连锁为代表的耐用消费品。

7月份A股延续上涨趋势,向上拐点非常明显。 上证综指涨2.3%,沪深300指数涨3.9%,上证50指数涨6.2%,中证1000指数跌2%,科创50指数跌4%。 7月业绩预告披露期和8月半年报披露期,市场对小票、科技业绩表现较为担忧。 再加上前期涨幅较大,本月出现了较大幅度的调整。 7月政治局会议提振了市场经济预期,经济预期的企稳让市场风格和消费风格更加占主导。

7月份行业表现分化加剧。 非银行金融、房地产、食品饮料等政治局召开前后估值明显回升,领涨各行业,钢铁、建材明显反弹。 前期涨幅较大的媒体、通信、计算机等板块大幅下跌。 今年市场增量资金有限,市场不愿追高,杀高砍低的意愿较强。 如果没有强大的逻辑和基本面支撑,今年年初大涨的行业追高还需谨慎。



展望8月,随着政治局会议的召开,定下“加大宏观经济政策调控”的基调,市场后续经济预期逐渐企稳。 工业企业利润率大幅回升,企业利润明显提升,利润进入上升通道。 美联储已经实施加息,预计后续不再加息的概率较大。 加之国内政策升温,预计外资将持续流入。政策预期企稳、盈利拐点、资本市场投资端改革预期、外部流动性拐点助力A股进入向上循环。 行业配置层面,注重业绩边际提升、更多产业逻辑支撑的TMT和耐用消费品仍是市场主流思路。

此前,市场对经济和企业利润存在担忧,但7月中央政治局会议明确表示,“当前经济运行面临新的困难和挑战,主要是内需不足,部分企业经营困难,风险隐患较多”重点领域突出,外部环境复杂。” “严肃”与市场认知一致,明确提出“加大宏观政策调控力度,着力扩大内需,提振信心”。 预计消费、房地产、数字经济等一系列方向将有更多政策出台。 有利于稳定经济预期。 由于去年下半年到今年上半年企业利润率较低,已经开始出现明显反弹。 经济企稳后,企业利润增速有望进一步回升,A股基本面进入上行周期。

本次政治局会议提到“要激活资本市场,提振投资者信心”,而从媒体报道来看,证监会也正在对资本市场投资侧改革做出相应安排和部署。 预计后续一系列针对资本市场投资端的政策有望推出,从而活跃资本市场,提振投资者信心。 这是当前资本市场的一个重要变化,需要引起足够的重视。 资本市场再次迎来政策支持周期。

流动性方面,当前A股面临的内外部流动性环境出现积极变化。 美联储加息终点临近,短期预期的稳定为A股创造了良好的外部流动性环境。 国内方面,以7月份政治局会议为标志,政策环境的显着改善有望带动市场风险偏好的恢复,从而吸引更多风险偏好较高的资金入市。 一方面,从历史上看,券商板块大涨之后,以中证1000为代表的小盘成长风格往往表现更好; 另一方面,北向资金与融资资金经过一段时间的分化后,风险偏好改善趋于带动融资资金回流,导致小盘成长风格占据主导地位。 因此,进入8月后,随着市场情绪回暖,一旦融资资金流入,小盘成长风格或将重新占据主导地位。

总体来看,政治局会议的召开有利于稳定经济,提振了市场对经济稳定的预期。 利润增速明显回升,外资也开始流入市场。 下一阶段市场,市场将重点关注政策落实和实际业绩改善。 主线上,预期恢复后,市场关注的焦点是稳增长政策是否有助于经济企稳或大幅回升? 如果是前者,经济预期稳定后,寻找明确的行业趋势、政策支持、业绩加速提升仍将是主要思路。 增长方向依然是目前的风格选择。



7月份,只有三分之一的上市公司披露了业绩预告。 由于目前主板信息披露要求较高,主板公司信息披露率位居中国大陆第一。 主板/创业板/科创板/国交所披露率分别为47.9%/11.4%/6.1%/1.4%。 因此,大量的初创、科技公司并没有披露自己的业绩。 由于今年上半年业绩整理压力较大,科技板块业绩表现一般,中期业绩预告披露率较低。 市场更担心半年报业绩不及预期。 因此,科创创业北证证券7月份的业绩表现不佳。 八月将会。 北京科技创新创业交易所绩效集中披露。 是否会出现负启动值得特别关注。



7月,政治局为稳增长政策的多个方面定下了基调。 未来哪些方面能够得到更强的支持和真金白银的支持,值得特别关注。 市场也将围绕那些超出预期的支持政策进行定位。 尤其值得关注的是资本市场投资端改革方案,可能对国内增量资金入市、提振市场情绪产生重大影响。







2)扩大消费被放在更加突出的位置:与4月份政治局会议在文本结构上将产业政策置于总量政策之前相比,本次政治局会议将“扩大内需”放在了更加突出的位置。 地位显赫。 参考我们之前系列报告中对不同类型政策数量的追踪,我们可以发现,4月份政治局会议之后,产业政策出台的数量明显高于其他类型政策。 参考本次政治局会议的文本结构,预计未来一段时期,扩大消费、积极有力的财政政策、稳健的货币政策将集中出台。

3)产业政策再次提及数字经济,数字经济相关利好政策出台步伐有望加快:与4月份政治局会议提到的新能源汽车、人工智能相比,本次政治局会议明确提到数字经济和人工智能。 智能化和平台经济。 据我们追踪,4月份中央政治局会议后,共有4个部委表示支持人工智能发展,北京、上海、广东、苏州、杭州、成都、深圳等7个城市共发文支持人工智能发展。促进人工智能发展的政策。 根据本次政治局会议部署,未来,地方和部级将更加密集地出台支持数字经济的政策,人工智能、平台经济相关政策的出台步伐也有望保持高频。


5)关于资本市场的特别积极的言论:这次政治局会议提到“要活跃资本市场,提振投资者信心”。 上次政治局会议提到资本市场是在2022年4月,当时是“维护资本市场稳定”。 “资本市场活跃”这一表述自2013年以来首次出现在政治局会议上。


经济将面临内部和外部压力。 从经济定调的角度来看,与4月政治局会议相比,本次会议增加了篇幅,肯定了经济复苏过程中需要面对的一系列困难。 这次政治局会议首次提出“经济复苏是波浪式发展、曲折推进的过程”。 但同时也指出,“当前经济运行面临新的困难和挑战,主要是内需不足,部分企业经营困难,重点领域风险隐患较多,外部环境复杂严峻” ”肯定了当前经济面临的一些困难。


政策基调相对积极。 从财政和货币政策来看,本次政策基调较为积极。 会议重点讨论货币政策,要求“发挥总量性和结构性货币政策工具作用”。 下半年再次降准降息值得期待。 此外,时隔两年,中央政治局再次就汇率问题表明立场。 上次政治局会议提到“保持人民币汇率在合理均衡水平上基本稳定”是在7月21日的政治局会议上。


产业政策再次提及数字经济和人工智能。 与4月份政治局会议相比,本次会议的结构是产业政策放在宏观政策之后。 这并不意味着政策面未来会减少对产业政策的支持,而是从目前的经济形势来看,整体面临的问题更加突出。 具体来说,这次政治局会议重点讨论了数字经济。 从提法上看,数字经济中更加关注产业数字化问题。 此外,继4月政治局会议后,本次会议再次提及人工智能,并提出“促进人工智能安全发展”。 因此,行业方建议重点关注数字经济,持续关注人工智能。

房地产政策有望继续优化。 与4月政治局会议相比,本次政治局会议采用了“适应我国房地产市场供求关系发生重大变化的新形势,及时调整优化房地产政策”的提法,并未提及“房子是用来住的,不是用来炒的”。 ,或意味着房地产行业调控将持续优化。 7月以来,各部委、省市频频出台房地产扶持政策。 据不完全统计,共出台政策17项。


2、当前经济运行仍以稳定为主,政策聚焦扩大消费。 政策是否会促进经济具有较大的向上弹性,值得观察。

今年以来,随着经济本身出现复苏企稳迹象,新型基础设施建设增速有所放缓。 主要原因是发行专项债券等基础设施建设相应政府资金来源较去年同期减少,而土地出让金同比负增长。 那么我们需要考虑政治局会议之后,是否会出现类似2022年那样大规模的基础设施建设,值得仔细观察。 2022年4月政治局会议定调“全面加强基础设施建设”,后续专项债券发行加快,新型基础设施建设增速大幅回升。

7月份的政治局会议提到,基础设施建设主要是“休闲与应急并重”的公共基础设施建设。 特定领域的基础设施建设能否像“全面加强基础设施建设”一样带动基础设施建设大幅反弹,值得观察。 。

今年以来,房地产新开工增速明显提高。 当前中央对房地产的最新基调是“适应我国房地产市场供求关系发生重大变化的新形势,及时调整优化房地产政策”。 在供需关系发生重大变化的新时代,当前形势下,政策是否会促进房地产投资大幅增长也值得观察。

因此,随着政策转暖,新基建和房地产开发增速进一步大幅下滑的空间有限。 投资有望企稳,但下半年是否会像2009年、2012年、2016年、2020年那样平稳?下半年大幅反弹,从而推动市场顺周期、可持续,值得观察。



从高频数据来看,与投资相关性最高的建筑钢材成交并未出现强劲反弹。 未来能否大幅反弹值得观察。



今年上半年,宏观经济数据明显回升,但工业企业利润增速仍为负值。 负值一季度扩大,二季度收窄。 尽管宏观数据有所回升,企业经营状况却没有明显改善,很重要的原因之一就是利润率。 由于利润率从去年的高位回落,上半年的利润率相对较高。 随着2022年原材料价格从高位逐步回落,对企业成本的影响要到2023年才开始逐步体现。但去年一些不可控因素对公司经营状况的影响直到一季度才结束今年的。 因此,今年一季度利润率开始从低位回升,上半年利润率较去年同期有所下降。

例如,去年一季度平均利润率为5.5%,而今年一季度平均利润率仅为3.9%。 因此,由于利润率下降,今年一季度工业企业、制造业企业利润增速大幅下滑。 今年第二季度的平均利润率为5%。 相比之下,去年同期为 5.8%。 与一季度相比,利润率降幅有所收窄,因此相应的工业企业、制造业企业利润增速也有所收窄。

目前情况出现逆转,今年6月制造业利润率达到5.7%。 去年第三季度和第四季度的利润率水平分别为4.8%和5.4%。 因为利润率的恢复有惯性。 如果今年三季度利润率水平进一步改善,利润率将开始对制造业企业利润做出正向贡献,工业企业、制造业企业净利润增速将转正且大幅增长。好于收入增长率。 因此,不难得出今年三季度上市公司非金融板块利润增速将转正的结论。


从图中可以看出,工业企业制造业利润增速已出现明显拐点,三季度利润增速将转正并加速上行。 由于今年一季度利润率极低,本轮利润增长恢复的峰值将在明年一季度看到。 当前情况与2020年第三季度和第二季度的情况非常相似,即2019年第一季度和2016年第一季度。


库存增长的进一步下降进一步减少了公司采取主动性降低价格和毁灭性的动力。 再加上批量商品原材料的稳定以及经济需求的边际收回,公司商品的前物品价格预计将稳定下来。



在这次政治局会议上,有人提出“应激活资本市场,并提高投资者的信心。” 我们回顾了自2008年以来对资本市场的表达,发现资本市场通常与“健康发展,系统改进和系统改革”等表达相关,但这是第一次提到“活跃的资本市场” 。 此外,在政治局会议和中央经济工作会议的精神中也出现了类似的“增强投资者信心”的表达。 它上次出现的是在2008年的金融危机之后,中央经济工作会议提到“增强了投资者的信心”。 此外,2008年12月举行的中央经济工作会议还提到“资本市场在金融运营中起着重要作用,并影响整个系统。有必要加深改革以创建标准化,透明,开放,开放,动态和动态和弹性资本市场。” “市场”也可以理解为需要激活资本市场并增强投资信心。




我们已经注意到,政府一直支持资本市场,但是就支持的基调而言,将每隔几年引入新的市场,文件和系统,以加强促进资本市场的努力。 这个“努力期”也显示了周期性的特征。 大约每五年左右,就会有一段时间的力量。

1999年5月16日,批准了有关进一步监管和促进证券市场发展的六点意见,并开始了剧烈的“ 519”市场的第一个影响。 由于当时它与纳斯达克牛市相吻合,因此A股票信息技术部门也反映了海外技术牛市。

2004年2月,州议会发表了“关于促进改革,开放和稳定的资本市场发展的几种意见”。 同年,中小型董事会启动了2003年开始的市场。后来的几代人称其为“五个金花”市场,这与当时的投资增加一致。 它与高速环境相匹配。

在2008年底,中央经济工作会议定为“加强资本市场的基本系统建设,提高上市公司的质量和治理水平,加强资本市场监督并增强投资者的信心”。 宝石的准备工作于2009年加速,该宝石于10月正式发射,随着2008年经济触底的触底,该指数急剧反弹,2009年,随着经济结构调整成为经济发展的主要任务,这是经济发展的主要任务信用周期达到顶峰。 八月,随着宝石的准备和推出,市场风格切换了,技术,消费医学等增长股票以及其他领先的股票。

在2013年底,实施了新的OTC市场的改革,并正式扩展到整个国家,后来为建立北京证券交易所奠定了基础。 2014年5月,国务院发表了“关于进一步促进资本市场健康发展的几项意见”和“新国家的九个章程”。 在发布之前,市场情绪是悲观的。 发布后,市场进入了该牛市的主要浪潮。 当时的一般环境是移动互联网和互联网+的北京更大。 增长仍然是主导的,信息技术是无与伦比的。 中间经纪公司的经纪公司有一波超级牛市。 技术和医学成为2014年至2015年的最强方向。

2018年底,习近平总统在上海国际进口博览会的开幕式上宣布,他将在上海证券交易所建立科学技术创新委员会,并试点登记系统; 2018年底的中央经济工作会议定为“资本市场有权影响整个金融业务”的基调。 “角色”,2019年7月,启动了科学技术创新委员会; 2019年9月,中国证券监管委员会提议“对12篇文章进行深入改革”。 从2019年开始,价值风格已经结束,增长风格已经完全出现,并且消费者技术和药品代表的增长核心资产已经完全出现。 其中,从2019年到2021年,技术,消费葡萄酒的半导体和医学中的CXO经历了最大的增长和最长的可持续性。


这次政治局会议定下了基调,“我们必须激活资本市场并提高投资者的信心。” 从7月24日至25日,中国证券监管委员会在年度工作研讨会中举行了2023年的系统。 并应将行动统一到党中央委员会的科学判断和情况安排中,并应从投资方,融资方,交易方面等实施全面的政策,并应协调努力以确保确保党中央委员会的主要政策在资本市场领域得到了充分的实施。

根据相关媒体报告[1],中国证券监管委员会正在研究和制定“资本市场投资副改革行动计划”,以基于不同机构投资者的特征实施机密政策,并促进对长期评估的改进。各种类型的中期和长期资金,例如保险融资和养老基金。 ,税收优惠,会计和其他支持系统和机制; 不断优化资本市场的生态,提高上市公司的质量,提高资本市场的吸引力,继续建立“愿意来,保持”市场环境,并指导各种类型的中期和长期资金以增加其权益的实际投资比例。


资本市场投资方面的改革将开始,这将是资本市场中相对重要的新变化。 如果可以采取有效的措施来促进资本市场的吸引力和进入市场的吸引力,那么这一轮市场状况将持续更长的时间。

从历史上的前四个资本市场时期的表现来看,实施重要的资本市场改革措施并从风险偏好改革中进行逐步资金进入市场,投资者仍然更喜欢“长期期限”。 在开发期间,前五轮资本市场改革(2004年的投资过热),其他四种技术和药品消费是中期投资者的首选。

5.市场风格的变化 - 证券冲浪,北向运动和融资差异的指南

7月份的政治局会议发表了积极的声明,开辟了市场对政策的想象力,并提出了一系列政策,以支持私人经济并扩大国内需求。 温暖的政策显着增强了市场信心。 7月份的政治局会议强调,有必要“激活资本市场并提高投资者的信心”。 与2022年4月的政治局会议相比,该会议“保持资本市场的平稳运作”,这一说法尤其积极。 最后一次提到“增强投资者信心”是在2008年底举行的中央经济工作会议上。此后,2009年监管机构依次表示,他们将保持股票市场的稳定性,并成为推动驱动的力量之一A-Shares的向上趋势。 从这个角度来看,以7月份政治局会议为特征,预计政策环境的重大改善将导致恢复市场风险的需求,从而吸引更多具有高风险偏好的资金以进入市场。

经纪部门最近受到了政策的提升。 7月28日,经纪指数增长了7%以上。 自2010年以来,经纪指数已增加了7%以上。 从统计结果来看,在经纪指数急剧上升之后,由CSI 1000指数代表的小型股风格主要主导,而信息技术行业则导致了崛起并下降了很多次。 原因是经纪部门的表现通常直接受到市场情绪的影响。 证券部门的激增可被视为市场情绪回收率的标志。 在市场风险偏好的显着改善的背景下,具有高风险食欲的资金的回报通常会引起偏见。 小型增长风格的表现更好。



从增量资本结构的角度来看,自6月中旬以来,融资余额一直保持着下降的趋势,而北部的资金则显示出轻微的反弹趋势,以及“从北部流向销售融资基金的资金的偏差”再次发生。 自2018年以来,两种类型的资金已经发散了很多次。 但是,在分歧持续一段时间后,随着国内投资者的情绪得到改善,以融资为基金代表的个人投资者开始加速其流入,从而在Northbound资金与两种类型的融资之间产生了共鸣。


历史数据表明,在两种类型的基金之间的分歧阶段,北行资金,作为领先的增量基金,推动了市场占据市场风格。 上海证券交易所50代表的重量级股票和核心资产,上海和深圳300指数表现更好; 在资金开始回流的融资中,它们与资金向北引起共鸣,即使量规模超过了向北的资金,市场大多表明,中小型风格占主导地位,中小型增长CSI 1000代表的样式通常表现更好。


就外部流动性而言,在7月份的美联储将利率提高了25bp之后,它没有发布更多的鹰派信号,因此市场反应通常很乏味。 尽管美联储尚未明确声明这一年中是否进一步提高利率,但说它将全面权衡未来的数据并拭目以待,但市场仍然预计,这一年中没有更多的利率上涨,也就是说主流期望是7月将是利率上升的终点。

展望未来,美国核心CPI的基地将从8月至9月进一步上升,并且鉴于美国房屋价格指数在租金CPI中的领导作用,租金CPI预计将来将逐渐减少。 这些因素将共同指导核心CPI增长率继续下降,然后增加美联储不会在9月提高利率的可能性。 考虑到目前的美国财政收益率反映了9月份无利率的80%概率,并且7月通货膨胀率在8月宣布的下降可能会放缓,因此预计美国短期美国财政收益率可能会继续下降高水平模式波动。


基于上述分析,A股面临的当前内部和外部流动性环境已经发生了积极的变化。 美联储加息的终点正在接近,短期期望的稳定性为A股份创造了良好的外部流动性环境。 从7月份的政治局会议的标志性的国内,政策环境的显着改善将导致恢复市场风险的胃口,从而吸引更多具有高风险偏好的资金进入市场。 一方面,从历史上看,经纪行业飙升之后,由CSI 1000代表的小型增长风格倾向于表现更好。 另一方面,在北行基金与融资基金之间的分歧之后,改善的风险食欲倾向于推动融资基金,回报流将导致小额帽增长风格的统治地位。 因此,在进入八月之后,随着市场情绪的恢复,一旦融资基金流入,小型股增长风格可能会重返统治地位。


期待八月,在政策方面有明显的改进迹象。 可以预期,一系列的提升政策将接一个地启动。 但是,这些政策是否可以继续促进周期条件并引入可持续市场还有待观察。 在公司利润方面,工业公司的利润迅速的利率反弹促进了制造公司利润增长的反弹; 此外,在政治局会议上已经出现了资本市场基调的新变化,这将有助于改善风险偏好。 预计资本市场将迎来一个周期性的“动力时期”。 预计这个“努力期”将引入资本市场投资方面的改革。 如果开放,它将是资本市场中相对重要的新变化。 如果可以采取有效的措施来促进资本市场的吸引力并进入市场,那么这将使这一轮市场更长。

政治局得出的结论是增加宏观控制。 7月24日,举行了中央政治局会议,该会议将在年底之前成为重要的治理指南。 这次会议发布了大量的积极信号,该信号连续提出“加强反周期法规和政策储备”和“增加宏观政策监管”。 预计随后的政策努力将增加,预计该政策将被密集地引入,并有升温政策结束的迹象。 明显的。 具体而言,会议面临着我国经济发展方面面临的内部和外部压力。 第一次,“经济复苏是波浪发展的过程和曲折”。 因此,会议在政策方面更为积极。 此外,在行业结束时,政治局会议的重点是数字经济。 从FA的角度来看,它对数字经济的数字化更为重要。 此外,在四月政治局会议之后,会议再次提到了人工智能,并提出“促进人工智能的发展”。

促进该时期连续时期的政策仍有待观察。 当前的经济运作仍然主要是稳定的,该政策主要在扩大消费量。 该政策是否会促进观察到的经济上升弹性。 自今年年初以来,由于恢复和稳定经济本身的迹象,基础设施的新建筑的增长率下降了。 如果政策更加温暖,基础设施的新建筑增长率和新房地产的增长率将进一步下降。 预计投资将稳定,但是它是否可以在下半年重大反弹,从而促进了周期期的连续时期。 值得观察。

工业企业的利润率急剧反弹,制造业企业的利润增长率也反弹。 在今年的上半年,宏观经济数据大大反弹,但工业企业的利润增长仍然是负面的。 负值在第一季度扩展,并在第二季度缩小了负值。 控制的影响逐渐消散到今年第一季度。 因此,与去年同期相比,今年第一季度的利润率并未从低水平反弹。 但是从综合企业的盈利能力来看,我们判断在今年的第三季度,无论是制造业企业。 它仍然是上市公司的非财务部门,利润增长率将正确。

资本市场发生了新的变化,这有助于改善风险食欲。 政治局会议提议“激活资本市场并提高投资者的信心”。 在上一次政治局和中央经济工作会议的会议上,这种宣传方法相对罕见。 我们认为,这可能表明资本市场有望在定期的“劳纳期”中引入。 预计这个“劳累时期”将开始对资本市场投资的改革。 如果您打开它,这将是资本市场的新变化。 如果可以采取有效的措施来促进资本市场的吸引力并进入市场,那么这将使这一轮市场更长。

在流动性方面,股票面临的内部和外部流动性环境改变了积极的变化。 美联储加息的终结越来越近,对于股票创造良好的外部流动性环境的短期期望已经稳定下来。 在国内方面,随着七月政治局会议,预计政策环境的明显改善将推动市场风险偏好的维修,然后吸引更多高风险的偏好资金进入市场。 一方面,在经纪部门的历史上崛起之后,由1,000 CSI代表的小盘子生长风格经常表现更好。 另一方面,在北部的资金和融资一段时间之后,风险偏好的改善通常会推动融资资金回流,然后推动小盘子的增长风格。 因此,在进入八月之后,随着市场情绪的恢复,一旦融资资本流动,小盘子的增长风格可能会恢复到最佳状态。




从6月发行的工业企业的获利能力数据,由于整个制造业的利润增长的增长,各种类型行业的主要行业盈利能力的趋势显而易见。 其中,当前的增长率仍然是最可选的消费,上层机芯是最大的。 是TMT,药物。


2.如何处理人口普查周期 - 是否刺激它? 继续观察政策的实力,增加社会融合并开始建设增长

该期间的重要一年出现在2007-2010-2020 -20202020H2/21的那一年。 这些年的共同特征是早期阶段存在重大危机,例如2008年的金融危机。 有必要增加政策努力。 另一个是党的国会一年。 为了欢迎会议的胜利,取得了出色的成绩,稳定的增长将进一步发展。 这些年来,我们将其称为稳定的增长。

我们观察到的指标是:基础设施构建的增长率急剧反弹 - 新的房地产建设的增长率是积极的,并且显着改善 - 新的和长期的社会合并增长率已经显着反弹,并且趋势正在呈现周期性时期。

政治局会议已决定增加宏观控制,但是对于基础设施和房地产投资的声明,与上述稳定增长相比,有必要继续观察是否应通过投资增长进一步推动该政策。 我们可以耐心地观察随后的基础设施建设,新房地产建设的增长率以及新的社会融合的增长速度是否得到了极大的改善,以进一步判断。


3.对技术的看法 - 繁荣的拐点已经到来,聪明是当前经济和社会发展的主要趋势

7月中旬披露的临时报告预览是,第二季度科学和技术部门的盈利能力仍处于底部,并且披露的公司的绩效相对一般或低于预期。 令人怀疑的是,市场人工智能是否真的可以带来盈利的改进。 今年的科学技术部门将在绩效披露期间始终承受压力。 例如,从去年年底到今年年初,从4月中旬到今年5月初,从6月下旬到7月底。

但是,八月将是宝石和科学技术委员会绩效披露的顶峰。 尽管已知半年度报告具有很大的压力,从工业企业的盈利能力的角度来看,绩效的披露将确认市场关注的绩效,并且发生了巨大的着陆。 根据当前的性能趋势,TMT饰面将来将进入性能周期。



在政治局会议上明确指出,增加了对电子产品的支持。 自2021年以来,国内智能手机发货的增长率一直在下降。 在2022年的情况下,预计下半年手机的销量将稳步增长。


中国是一种电子产品,包括终端,组件和集成电路的出口商。 目前,电子产品的出口增长率具有底部的底部。


在今年上半年,TMT收入的增长率受到压力,与此同时,利润率叠加了。 TMT制造业总利润的增长率急剧下降。 6月,随着需求利润率的提高,成本下降,由于收入的增长逐渐稳定,到6月的产能利用率在6月到6月反弹,利润率显着反弹。 在过去的一个季度中,过去四个季度TMT制造业总利润的总利润增长急剧恢复为正。


自去年以来,随着TMT制造业的强大DE,利润率急剧下降。 到今年第一季度,过去十年中的冰点也达到了非常低的利润率。 从第二季度开始,随着灾难接近终结,需求利润率将有所提高。 利润率开始重大反弹。 自第三季度以来第三季度以来,随着利润率开始加速和利润率,利润率的提高可能开始为TMT制造业的绩效做出积极的贡献。


总的来说,当前人工智能的工业趋势是发芽的,为未来的行业提供了巨大的发展空间。 目前,该行业本身被迎来了利润周期的上升点。 从主要投资线的角度来看,宏伟的行业的叙事,政策支持和行业周期的拐点,TMT仍然是明年市场的核心主要线索之一。

3.如何看待消费 - 房屋用具和家用供应汽车零件仍然是更好的逻辑选择


从当前的数据来看,家庭设备的生产和需求的增长率仍然处于上升趋势,而本电器的成本大大减少了今年,出口需求相对较大,并且有明确的政策支持。 因此,家用电器是值得在消费中持续关注的领域之一。


除了家用电器外,它还可以从房地产政策的调整中受益。 村庄的转型和家庭消费促进措施也是家具的领域。


选择恢复期望:汽车和零件。 国内需求和持续政策支持的边缘改善,出口增长率很高,预计汽车产量的增长率将比下半年的悲观预期更好。 方向之一。


4.如何考虑短期游戏因素 - 销售热冷的不利投资仍然是今年的重要考虑因素

自今年年初以来,投资者的想法通常集中在逆转或逆转策略上,他们谨慎地追逐热板,他们试图尽可能低。 因此,今年每个部门的表现不佳,并且每月期间的旋转切换更为明显。 此外,自今年以来的交易速度已经加速,不均匀的热和冷现象非常明显。


交易冰点的行业包括食品和饮料,非底层金融,钢铁,建筑材料等,而是在7月成为最佳行业。 因此,投资者经常问当前流行的行业的想法。 如果考虑每月的时间维度,那么重要的因素之一就是不追赶高!


如果根据7月28日的数据,从每月观看和游戏的角度来看,左下角的行业可以找到一些指示。 我们建议注意电子,医学,家用电器和轻型行业的制造。


5.摘要:主线没有变化。 耐用的消费品是主线。

八月,行业 - 政策努力,耐用技术的核心思想。 目前,经济期望是稳定的,政治局已经明确确定了增加政策的努力。 从政策表达的角度来看,扩大消费,尤其是由家用电器,家用电器,电子产品和汽车代表的耐用消费品是重点的方向。 此外,除此之外,数字经济,人工智能和平台经济仍然是反复重视政策的方向。 八月是对半年度报纸的集中披露。 以前的担心结果将在八月份不如预期的那样。 投资者可以开始重新连接第三季度的表现,甚至大大提高其性能。

从经济,政策实力和数据趋势的角度来看,全面的基本面,事件和政策,提高绩效余地的TMT和耐用的消费品仍然是市场上的主要市场思想。 制药部门性能的改善已经开始改善,并且可以相应地提高注意力。

首先,信息技术。 在未来几年中,数字经济和人工智能是最某些工业趋势。 早期的市场是围绕AI着陆应用程序的布局。 今年的上半年降低了抑制短期表现的预期。 However, from the perspective of the mid -view indicator, the overall demand of TMT products shows to the bottom of the bottom. The overall income of the TMT manufacturing industry has begun to improve marginally, the profit margin has begun to increase significantly, and the profit margin caused by destocking may come to an end. The next stage of the market will start to enter the performance cycle around the performance to the bottom. At the same time, it can benefit from the major trend of artificial intelligence and digital economy. It is recommended to continue to pay attention to [Computer Equipment and Application] [Semiconductor] [Consumer Electronics] [Component].

Second, durable consumer goods. From the statement of the Politburo meeting, durable consumer goods include [Home Appliances] [Home Appliances] [Car and Parts] is the direction of the key support, and the policy may further support the support. From the perspective of performance, the above -mentioned fields also also meet the triple factor resonance of domestic demand marginal improvement, exports, and downward costs. The performance improvement in the second half of the year is high.

Third, healthcare. From the perspective of data, the trend of the marginal improvement of pharmaceutical performance is more obvious. The current market holding and attention are significantly reduced. You can also choose to choose some low -level targets to build positions, especially when the consumer demand recovers and the collection policies are relatively small. Service and medical equipment].

Recommended and recommended reasons for the Fifth August. From a medium -to -long perspective, we recommend paying attention to the rise of carbon neutralization (photovoltaic, wind power, energy storage, hydrogen energy, etc.), increased electric intelligent vehicle penetration rates, and digital economy and artificial intelligence under the major trend of electrical intelligence, and the majority of electric intelligent intelligence. , Yuan Universe, Autonomous and Controlling and other industrial trends.


Liquidity: Risk appetite repair or drive the balance of financing balance


1. Domestic policies and macro -liquidity

In terms of domestic liquidity, after the cross -seasons, the central bank recovered liquidity in a timely manner, and the public market returned to the net. In July, a net repurchase net repurchase was 842 billion yuan. 。 From the perspective of the interest rate of the currency market, the DR007 basically continued to be below the 7 -day reverse repurchase interest rate in July, showing that the liquidity of the banking system was stable and loose.


In the second quarter of this year, the issuance of local government bonds was significantly slowed down from the same period last year, and it was dragged down on social integration. The Central Political Bureau meeting in July mentioned "to accelerate the issuance and use of special bonds for local governments." In August, the rhythm or acceleration of the issuance of local government bond issuance, so the speedy of government bond issuance in the future will be conducive to supporting the growth rate of social finances. , Overlapping various stable growth policies to boost the demand for financing, social integration is expected to rise slowly in the future.


2. Overseas liquidity

From the perspective of external liquidity, after the Federal Reserve raised interest rate hikes 25bp on schedule, more hawks signals were not released, so the market reflected that it was generally plain. Although the Federal Reserve has not given a clear statement on whether the interest rate hikes are further raised during the year, and we will comprehensively weigh the future data, but the market is still expected to not raise interest rates during the year, that is, the mainstream expectations are the end of the interest rate hike in July.


Looking back, the base of the US core CPI in August to September will further rise, and given the leading role of the US housing price index on the CPI, the sub-item is expected to gradually fall in the future. These factors will jointly guide the core CPI growth rate. The possibility of the Fed will not raise interest rates in September. However, considering that the current US bond yield rate has reflected the probability of 80%of the expected expectations of September without interest rate hikes, and the inflation growth rate announced in August may slow down. It is estimated that the US debt yields are likely to continue in August. High -level shock pattern.


3. Stock market funds, supply and demand

The supply and demand of stock market funds in July expanded. The scale of Xinfa Fund continued to decline; the scale of ETF net purchase declined, but the scale of net inflows was still high; financing funds continued to flow out, but the scale of net outflows narrowed; The scale has declined; the scale of IPO has expanded significantly. In terms of the main incremental funds in July, in addition to the continued contribution of incremental funds in ETF net purchase, the accelerated return of funds in the north is an important variable that affects the rhythm of the A -share market, and the market broader style is obviously dominant.



※ Foreign capital

In the current environment with limited funds in the A -share market, the flow of funds in the north is still an important marginal variable of A shares, which has caused the flow of Beijing to have a more obvious impact on the performance of A shares and its style and industry. In July, the industry with the highest scale of funds in Beijing included non -silver finance, communications, cars, food and beverages, etc. Among them, in the last week of the great return of funds in the north, the main is non -silver finance, food and beverages, banks, etc., which are mainly concentrated in the capital finance and consumption in the north. 上升。


※ 私人产权

According to the data of the private equity duct network, as of July 14, the stock private equity fund position index was 80.43%, which continued to be more than 80%for three consecutive weeks. From this point of view, private equity risk appetite is basically high.


※ Fund issuance and ETF application for redemption

The issuance of partial stock public offering funds has continued to be low, but in recent months, the redeem situation of the old fund has continued to converge, and when ETF continues to purchase, the share of stock funds has stabilized. Among them, ETF continuous purchase contribute incremental funds to the stock market. In June 2023, the share of stock -type public funds increased by 653 from the end of the previous month, and the share of hybrid funds decreased by 27.3 billion. Considering that after the new share of the month, it is estimated that the net subsidy for partial stocks in June is 14 billion yuan, and the net purchase ratio is 0.23%, and the net purchase for the second consecutive month.

In July, the stock -type ETF net purchase was exceeded 350.8 billion yuan, and the net inflow of 40 billion yuan in the month was 40 billion yuan. During the year, ETF net purchase had accumulated net inflow of more than 200 billion yuan.



In terms of structure, the more wide -foundation index ETF purchased in July is the CSI 300ETF and the science and technology innovation 50ETF. In addition, the top purchase share includes medical ETFs, semiconductor ETFs, and wine ETFs. As the financial sector rises, ETFs such as securities firms & banks such as securities firms & banking are clearly redeemed.


※ Restrictions on sale and lifting and shareholders increase and reduce their holdings

In July, important shareholders increased their holdings of 4.9 billion yuan, reduced their holdings by 44 billion yuan, and a net reduction of 39.1 billion yuan, a slight decrease from the previous period. In August 2023, the scale of lifting the ban was 462.3 billion yuan, and the scale of lifting the ban was slightly rising from July. From the perspective of the scale of different sectors, the motherboard was 129 billion yuan, the GEM 116.56 billion yuan, the science and technology board was 214.8 billion yuan, and the North Cover was 1.88 billion yuan. 。 Considering that the scale of lifting the ban and planning reduction in July, the scale of the secondary market of important shareholders may continue to expand.


※ IPO and Dingzai

With the issuance date, the scale of fundraising of IPO was 64.8 billion yuan in July, which was almost doubled from the previous period; In contrast, the scale of the IPO project planned by the audit in July was only 23.9 billion yuan, which was significantly slowed compared to the early stage. And recently, the CSRC also proposed at a seminar at the System of 2023 in the middle of the system that "scientifically maintains the IPO and the normalization of financing, and coordinates the dynamic balance of the first and secondary markets." With the slowdown of the IPO review rhythm, the scale of IPO issuance may decline in the future, which is conducive to weakening the diversion of the first -level market on the secondary market.


4. 总结

In terms of liquidity, the current currency market liquidity is slightly loose. After entering August, the issuance of local government bonds may speed up or disturb the macro liquidity, but at the same time, it is expected to support social merger growth slowly. In terms of external, the Fed is open to interest rate hikes in September. At present, the US bond interest rate is expected to reflect 80%of the expectations of no interest rates in September. It is expected that further correction needs to be released. Considering the inflation growth rate announced in August in August The decline may slow down, and it is expected that the US debt yields in August are likely to continue the pattern of high vibration. In terms of supply and demand for stock market funds, under the background of the Federal Reserve 's interest rate hikes and densely released domestic growth policies, the RMB exchange rate has improved, and foreign capital is expected to continue its net inflow; as market risk preferences are repaired, financing funds may shift to inflow; under structural markets ETF is expected to continue to contribute incremental funds for net purchase. On the whole, under the current pattern of A -share capital capital, foreign capital is an important marginal increase in A shares. If financing funds come back, it may drive a small disk style performance.


Enterprise profit: Continuing mild repair, paying attention to high performance and expected to appear inflection point

? Some areas of prosperity to improve support for economic stability

The overall economic recovery in the second quarter was compared with market expectations. However, the single -month economic data in June showed the characteristics of the bottom, and the signs of stabilization and even recovery in some fields were obvious.

The compound growth rate of industrial industries in the industry is generally recovered in 2 years, concentrated in the fields of upstream resource products, some consumption, TMT manufacturing and medicine. The trend of upstream resource product production kinetic energy recovery is relatively obvious, such as chemical, rubber and plastic, non -metal, steel, non -ferrous, coal and other June industrial added value compounded in 2 years compared to May. Compared with May, upstream companies are experiencing experience After the fierce destocking in April-May, the production willingness of production has increased, such as the capacity utilization rate of steel, non-ferrous, and coal industries has increased compared to the first quarter.


Correspondingly, the compound growth rate of core industrial products in 2 years mostly shows a trend of improvement, such as resource products (raw coal, chemical fiber, plastic products, steel, cement, flat glass, copper), power power grid (power generation, solar energy, photovoltaic batteries , Power Generation Equipment), automobiles, air -conditioning, integrated circuits, smart watches and other outputs have increased from May.


On July 24, the Central Political Bureau Meeting had several highlights for the industrial end. 1) Putting consumption to a more prominent position, it can pay attention to the role of consumer policies for consumption in large consumption such as cars, consumer electronics, and home appliances. 2) The digital economy of the industrial policy, and the rhythm of the promotion of the digital economy related favorable policies is expected to be improved. In the future, policies that support the digital economy in various places and ministries and commissions will be more intensive, and the rhythm of the introduction of artificial intelligence and platform economy -related policies is also expected to maintain a high frequency. 3) The possibility of real estate policies is greater and the possibility of continuous marginal improvement in the policy end is increased.

Specifically, which industries have supported economic stability?

First, the bottom of the PPI may have been formed, and the upstream prosperity margins have improved. In the second half of the year, it may usher in the turning point of performance.

In June, PPI (-5.4%) or has been built. The downward period of the PPI this round of PPI opened in October 2021. It has fallen for 19 months. The possibility of an inflection point in the third quarter is greater. 。 The current PPI and inventory have fallen into a very low level. The PPI turning point generally leads the appearance of the inventory cycle turning point. In the third quarter, the continuous industrial destruction pressure may be reduced. It is not ruled out that it entered the active database stage in the fourth quarter, thereby accelerating the repair of PPI.


Since July, the price of industrial products in South China has continued to rise, and the price center has been higher than the same period of 2022. A variety of cyclical products such as copper, coking coal, some chemicals, and industrial metals have gradually renovated. Economic endogenous restoration momentum and the approaching sound of the Federal Reserve's interest rate hikes have boosted the price of goods.

In the second half of the year, the kinetic energy of the price of resource goods has been further explored. Considering that the low base of the same period last year, the decline in the profit of resource products may narrow, and some areas are expected to usher in the profits inflection point in the second half of the year. It can focus on the segments of recent prices, such as industrial metals and some chemical products.


Second, the production value and industrial product production of TMT manufacturing industrial products accelerated in June, and multiple macro and medium -view indicators have stepped out of the bottom range.


In the second quarter, information transmission, software and information technology services and computers, communications and other electronic equipment manufacture multiple macro and middle view indicators out of the bottom range. Information transmission, software, and information technology service industry GDP rose to 14.6%year -on -year, far higher than the overall economic GDP growth rate of 6.3%, and a significant increase in GDP's driving (Q2 driving rate reached 0.57%). In the previous article, it has been mentioned that the compound growth rate of TMT manufacturing industries in June has accelerated significantly, and the corresponding industrial products such as the output of integrated circuits have been heated year -on -year.


The inventory of the TMT equipment manufacturing industry is close to the end (from January to May 6.9%), which is significantly lower than the pole value of many bottom interval in history, which is more consistent with the exfoliation of the A-share TMT industry inventory. With the exfoliation of inventory, the industry's capacity utilization rate has shown signs of slight improvement. Compared with Q1, the Q2 capacity utilization rate increases slightly by 0.9 percentage points to 74.6%; Large, there will be room for continued improvement in production capacity. Therefore, we can focus on the inventory dewneable areas, such as consumer electronics and communication equipment.


Third, consumption data is slightly stable, relying on home appliances and car consumption to drive. It is expected that in the future is still the key to supporting domestic demand recovery.

In June, the overall performance of consumption data was slightly lower than market expectations, but from the perspective of two years of compound growth rate, the retail sales of goods above the limited amount or above were recovered, mainly by consumer demand for consumption such as automobiles, home appliances, communication equipment, clothing and other consumer needs Industry driving; compared to May, the two -year compound growth rate of home appliances and cars above the June limit increased by 3.3 and 1.7 percentage points to 3.3%and 2.0%, respectively. The next point of domestic demand consumption may focus on furniture appliances and automobile consumption, which is also the key to supporting domestic demand recovery.


In summary, the single -month economic data in June showed the bottom -up characteristics. The prosperity in some areas showed signs of stability and even recovery, mainly including: 1. The bottom of the PPI may have been formed. 。 2. June TMT manufacturing industrial production value and industrial product production accelerated, and multiple macro and medium -view indicators successively stepped out of the bottom range. 3. Consumption data is slightly stable, which is driven by relying on home appliances and car consumption. It is expected that in the future is still the key to supporting domestic demand recovery. Comprehensive consideration of the performance of the interim reported performance gradually landed and the densely released policies in the near future. Recommended focus is on high performance (the boom has further repair space, demand increases and improves), the future performance is expected to emerge, and the direction benefited from policy -driven. The subdivision industry has consumer electronics, home appliances, industrial metals, automotive components, software development, etc.


Consumer electronics: The marginal improvement of demand, signs of recovery. Global semiconductor sales fell to convergence, in May of -21.1%year-on-year (previous value-21.4%); Chinese semiconductor sales declined further. -29.5%; Japan's semiconductor equipment shipments have been improved for three consecutive months year -on -year; signs of recovery of the semiconductor cycle show. The inventory continues to be de -de -de -capital and the capital expenditure plan is more cautious, and the storage of native production may remain to continue reduction. The demand side recovers slowly, but there are also some positive signals. For example, the decline in the output of smartphones is slightly stable, and the output of integrated circuit continues to be repaired year -on -year. On July 21, the National Development and Reform Commission and other departments issued the "Several Measures on Promoting the Consumption of Electronic Products", emphasizing that accelerating the upgrading of electronic products, strong support for electronic products to go to the countryside, and optimizing the consumption environment of electronic products.Due to the continuous reduction of industry inventory pressure and limited new production capacity, the continued improvement of demand margins in the second half of the year will further boost the industry's prosperity



Industrial metal: The bottom of the PPI may have been formed, the external liquidity pressure is relieved, and the margin of prosperity improves

As the core inflation of the United States has begun to relieve, considering that the core inflation of the base effect will further decline in the third quarter, the US manufacturing shipment turnover will turn, etc., the Federal Reserve 's interest rate hike ending has become closer and the external liquidity pressure faced by A shares is relieved. This helps the release of industrial metal financial attributes on price boosting. In June, fixed asset investment and industrial added value improved month -on -month, and the non -ferrous metal inventory continued to remove it. Considering that PPI is building bottom -up and narrowing in the third quarter, the economy will continue to be repaired in the third quarter. Bring a certain amount. Recently, the prices of copper, aluminum, lead, and zinc in industrial metals have been repaired to varying degrees.


Home Appliances: The demand for new and new installations is good, the channels are actively stocking, and overseas demand is better than expected. Declars of depreciation brings exchange benefits to increase profits

Ovi Cloud Network shows that the air -conditioning output in July was 22.6%year -on -year (domestic sales and production were 30.9%year -on -year). High -temperature weather, benign flow of inventory, space preparation of channels still have space, and subsidy promotional activities to drive air -conditioning manufacturers to actively increase production. 7 During the monthly sales of 30.9%year -on -year (28.0%). The cost pressure of raw materials has continued to alleviate, and the willingness of channel vendors to stock up is more positive. The demand for overseas durability products is better than expected. North American demand is tough and European demand is warmed up. The number of air -conditioning exports in June reached more than 10%year -on -year. The continuous devaluation of the renminbi has also brought more exchange income to the export industry, thickening profits to a certain extent.


Automobile parts: The prosperity of the mid -view continues to improve, and the policy landing has once again boosted the demand. Multiple views of the automotive sector recovered: In June, the production and sales of automobiles increased rapidly in June, and the penetration rate of new energy vehicles continued to rise again, exports remained high, and the preferential increase in vehicle terminals increased. In the past month, the central and local consumption policies have continuously increased, such as new energy vehicles to the countryside and car purchase subsidies. Including optimizing the management policy of automobile purchase restrictions, supporting old cars to update consumption, accelerating the cultivation of the second -hand car market, and strengthening the construction of new energy vehicle supporting facilities. The probability of car consumption is still the key point for promoting domestic demand consumption in the second half of the year. The inventory pressure of the automotive parts section is relatively small, and the demand end is more affordable.


Software development: The boom under policy blessing has boosted again. On July 13th, multiple departments jointly announced the "Interim Measures for the Management of Genesis Artificial Intelligence Services" and implemented on August 15th. The AIGC supervision entered a new stage. In July, the Politburo Meeting Industrial Policy Digital economy, the issuance of the promotion of the digital economy -related favorable policies is expected to be improved, and the release of artificial intelligence and platform economy -related policies is also expected to maintain a high frequency 。 On the application side, Microsoft Copilot pricing is that each user is $ 30 per month exceeds market expectations, indicating that the demand for AI products is strong, leading AIGC to enable applications to land price increase.


? In June, the profitability of industrial enterprises profitable

? The overall profit continues to improve, and the compound increase in four years has expanded

From January to June, the decline in the profit of industrial enterprises above designated size continued to narrow, and the cumulative increase in the average increase in four years expanded. From January to June, the total profit of industrial enterprises above designated size reached 3388.46 billion yuan, a year-on-year decrease of 16.8%(previous value -18.8%). As industrial production continued to recover, the decline in the profit of industrial enterprises continued to narrow. It dropped by 8.3%, narrowing by 4.3 percentage points from the previous value, and narrowing for four consecutive months.

Based on 2019 as the basis, the two years, 3, and 4 years in 2021, 2022, and 2023 compound growth rates, and the average cumulative growth rate of composite in January to June 4th was 5.2%(previous value of 5.0%) 。 The average growth rate of compound growth in the four years in June expanded to 5.9%(previous value 3.9%). Among them, non -ferrous metal selection, food manufacturing, special equipment, electrical machinery, TMT manufacturing, and power compound growth rates are relatively high.

In terms of splitting structure, the price is still dragging, and the cost decreases slightly.



In terms of structure, the upstream price reduction continues to make a profit downstream, and the profitability of TMT and the pharmaceutical manufacturing industry improves

From the perspective of the three major areas of industrial enterprises, from January to June, the decline in the profit of mining industry expanded, the decline in manufacturing profits declined year-on-year, and the profit industry's profit continued to maintain a high growth rate year-on-year. From January to June, the profit of mining industry decreased by 19.9%(previous value -16.2%); the overall profit growth rate of the manufacturing industry decreased by 20.0%(previous value -23.7%); High growth rates increased by 34.1%year -on -year (34.8%), of which the profit industry's profit increased by 46.5%.三个月滚动来看,上游资源品同比降幅收窄,中游设备增幅扩大,基本消费品行业中,可选消费三个月滚动同比保持较高增速,必选消费三个月滚动同比降幅扩大;TMT制造业三个月滚动同比转正,医药制造业三个月滚动同比降幅收窄





此外, TMT制造业和医药制造业当月利润同比增速均转正,当月分别拉动规上工业利润增速5.49和0.34个百分点。





















6月全国太阳能电池(光伏电池)产量同比增速较高。1-6月全国太阳能电池(光伏电池)累计值为23241.1 万千瓦,同比增幅扩大0.9个百分点至54.50%。6月当月太阳能电池产量4698.0万千瓦,当月同比增幅扩大9.5个百分点至62.6%,三个月滚动同比增速为61.6%。














6月移动通信基站设备产量同比增幅扩大。6月移动通信基站设备产量为61.16 万射频模块,当月同比增长0.70 %,三个月滚动同比跌幅收窄9.90个百分点至-6.83%;1-6月移动通信基站设备累计产量为345.23 万射频模块,同比跌幅收窄11.10个百分点至-6.30%。
















二季度整体经济复苏力度与市场预期相比具有一定的差异,但是6月单月经济数据显示出筑底特征,部分领域景气企稳甚至回暖迹象明显。主要包括:1. PPI底部或已形成,上游景气边际改善,部分领域下半年可能迎来业绩拐点。2.6月TMT制造业工业产值和工业品生产加快,多个宏观和中观指标陆续走出底部区间。3.消费数据略有企稳则是依赖家电和汽车消费来驱动,预计未来仍是支撑内需回暖的关键。






? 人工智能


华为发布盘古3.0大模型。 7月7日下午举行的华为开发者大会上,华为常务董事张平安宣布,华为云盘古大模型3.0正式发布,盘古大模型3.0分为L0基础大模型、L1行业大模型、L2场景模型三层architecture.据介绍,这是完全面向行业的大模型。其中盘古L0层基础大模型,包括千亿级参数的自然语言大模型、盘古多模态大模型、视觉大模型、预测大模型、科学计算大模型等,L1层是行业大模型,包括政务、金融、制造、矿山等。 L2层为场景模型。

? 新能源汽车



人工智能发展带动存储芯片需求高企。月初根据台湾电子时报报道,受益于AI需求,HBM价格持续上涨,未来两年供应十分紧张。根据Yole Intelligence公布的报告,NAND Flash市场将中止近两年的下滑趋势,于今年第三季度出现再次增长。该机构认为全球市场对数据生成和存储的需求不断增长,以及新技术的引入,NAND Flash市场长期前景仍然充满希望。

巨头相继公布业绩,或预示周期底部。SK海力士于7月26日发布23Q2财报,营收7.31万亿韩元,毛利率-16%,净利率-41%,环比均改善明显。根据招商电子观点,海力士23Q2收入环比大幅增长,净利率环比改善10ppts,库存环比减少。23Q2 DRAM和NAND位元出货量环比上升,DDR5和HBM带动DRAM价格环比增长。


